The Stomach Talk

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The two acted like they never heard anything while they were with Jacques at the dinner hall.

Jacques also pretended like things were okay but Can can somehow see that he was affected in a way.

At the other end of the hall, seated Tin who was so furious as his lover kept ignoring him all day.

After a few hours of performances from different departments, unlimited food and laughter, the hall was beginning to become empty.

Others started to go to their respective rooms.
Some decided to go to the beach  at the open camp fires and benches.

Jacques was called out by his fellow athletes.
Sandy went to look for Clay to follow up on something.

And Can stood there at the veranda like pertition of the hall overlooking the beach.

The air was windy and his slightly grown hair was being swept gently unto his face.

Tin's baritone voice was so firm yet gentle..

Can didn't look at him.
Tin moved closer then stood behind him not mesmerized by the night sky and stars.

But how his lovers hair seemed to curl up in the air.

He unconsciously reached his hand out then tucked some of Can's fine hair to his ear.

"You're beautiful.."
Tin blurted out.

Can looked at Tin at the sides of his eyes.

Tin can see his little man blushing.

Can cleared his throat.
"Remember Tin.."
He then said said smiling.
"We stood like this before.."
"Near an over looking view.."
"The night our parents got married."
Can's eyes focused on the starred pitch black skies.

Tin faced the view then followed Can's line of sight.
He put his hands on his side pockets then smiled.

"Of course.."
"I remember every moment.."
"That we have shared together Can."
Tin smiled..
"That day.."
"Meeting you."
"Is definitely the bestest day.."
"Of my life.."
Tin said feeling a little nostalgic.
Forgetting his lover's little mischief of ignoring him.

"It was the day.."
"The butterflies bossomed.."
Can said meaningfully.

Tin chuckled.
"This is  not the first time I heard you say that."
"Care to tell me what you mean?"

Can pouted.
"You do not feel butterflies in your stomach Tin?!"

"My stomach is too big just for butterflies babe."
He said then grin.
"Only you can fill it up."
Tin answered unable to imagine butterflies in his stomach..

He can though, with larvae.
Tin smirked as he was disgusted with his own thoughts .

Can felt his ears heat up.

His eyes widened.

But they were interrupted by Tin's two team mates.

One shouted with excitement.

"Letsss go."
"We are allowed to drink."
The other said while they were fast approaching.

The taller guy frowned.
"You know him?"
He pointed at Can.

Tin laughed.
"Of course I do."
He said..

The other spoke.
"So it's true?"

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