Just A Little More

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Can was trembling..
Not because of the cold as they lie naked in a full blast air-conditioned room..

But due to the extreme sensation he has been feeling which was brought about by Tin's menacing lips and tongue.

Tin carried him to the bed after showering,
and he whispered repeatedly while he was locked in his arms that there would never come a time they won't resolve anything within the day it happened.

Tin's eyes were full of desire as he was staring down his lover's birthday suit and Can has slapped him not once but twice for doing that.

Tin promised they wouldn't do anything that would render him immobile the next day so Can agreed with his sweet handlings.

It's been minutes now since they landed the bed but Tin has been exploring his body non stop, kissing and licking each corner it touches which caused Can to convulsed and shake with excitement, ecstacy and fear.

Tin called and looked at him.
Can's face was beet red and his supple lips slightly parted.

Thru to his word..
Tin didn't leave any marks on places visible to the eyes but he did, on those hidden.

Every time he sucks and marks his territory,
Can's petite body shivers which is accompanied by a distorted husky moan that signals Tin to bite him harder.

He imprinted Can's skin like his possession.
Can is his and his alone..

Can slowly opened his eyes and saw Tin's face..
He avoided his gaze as he was embarrassed.

Tin cupped his lovers face..
"Look at me.."
He commanded.

Can slowly turned his eyes at him..
"I'm... I'm..."

Tin chuckled.
"What babe..?!"
Tin lowered down to Can's chest and licked his stout nipple.

Can moaned aloud the covered his mouth.
"Gosh, I'm am so embarrassing to the human kind.."

Tin chuckled out loud but continued to tease his bare chest.
"And why do you feel like that Can?"

"Oh God. I've been squealing like a duck.. and I.."
"I never thought I could ever make that sound.."
Can said but gave another groan as Tin sucked his nipple.

Tin in between his actions answered him,
"Well, I'm flattered that you do.."
"It just mean that you are enjoying what I'm doing.."
"We haven't even fully started yet.."
Tin said in a seductive manner.

"W.. what?"
"Tin.. we still have school tomorrow.."
Can said worried and excited..
His heart was racing..
He feels like it's gonna burst out of his chest any moment now.

Tin moved up and took Can's hand and guided it down..

Can's eyes widened and tried to pull it back realizing where it's headed but Tin pulled it back.

Tin crossed the distance in between and kissed him.

Can moaned..

His hand which was underneath Tin's large palm and is now groping and touching Tin's pulsating muscle.

Can's hand trembled..

Tin lifted his face and stared at him.
"You see, I'm really hard right now Can.."

His voice was rapid and shaky.
"I want you so bad.."

He then slowly guided Can's hand up and down to his long shaft.. Tin breathe out hard..

He then removed his hand to let Can move on his own.
"Don't stop Can.."
He commanded..

Tin's hand then moved down and to Can's surprise,

Tin held his little buddy and moved his hand like how Can was doing it..

Can moaned..
His body temperature doubled..

Both of them were moaning as they were holding each others, hand moving up and down.

Each teasing and not wanting to stop.

Tin covered Can's mouth with his.
They kissed and sucked each others lips pervidly..

Tin moaned when Can's tongue rage a war on his.

Tin smiled in between their kisses.
"Can has really improved a lot.."
Tin said in his mind.

Can has never felt this happier..
"And Tin is giving me so much more than happiness."
He told himself.

He has learned new things especially when it comes to kissing,
That is because Tin likes to kiss a lot.

He is always the type of person who can't go on one day without kissing him and the way they are doing it like now is comparable to a thousand days kisses.

They haven't gone farther than kissing and this is the first time they have touched each other.

Can moaned inside Tin's mouth as he felt Tin's finger toying his small opening..

He distanced his lips from Tin a little but Tin still continued to nibble his lips like a hungry baby.

Tin removed Can's hand who was holding his stick then grabbed Can's and his on both his hands then rubbed them together..

Both of them were moaning harsh and loud..

Can's arms wrapped their selves in Tin's back and dugged his fingers in his flesh.

Tin still groping both of them, rubbed the two non stop..

Even the coldness in the room can't prevent their bodies to sweat and be feverish..

Can was comvulsing..
It was not just a comfortable feeling,
This sensation Tin is making him feel was of warmth, love and ecstacy..

He could feel his body shiver..
He could feel fluid wanting to come out of his bud..

"Just a little but more Can.."
Tin said in a hungry raspy tone..

Can nodded and pulled Tin's head..
He kissed Tin in the mouth.

A full kiss..
Their mouth's wet with their own juice and tongues intertwined..

Can continued to trembled as he can feel liquids pouring out of his body continously but he held Tin's mouth with his not wanting to let go..

He felt Tin shook..
They both moaned inside each other's mouth..

Hot sticky liquid came pouring down on each buds.

Can embarrassed pulled Tin in a hug and hid his face in between his shoulder and neck..

"I love you Can.."
Tin whispered..

"I know Tin.."
Can said softly and slowly dozed off..

Tin gently removed Can's hold to make them both comfortable in bed.

He kissed his sleeping lover's forehead.
"I'll just change the sheet tomorrow."
Tin said then smiled contently.

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