Munch on me

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Tin parked the motorcycle at the convenience store they've passed by.

He helped Can to come down, then he guided him to sit at one of the table set outside.

Tin went inside to grab some water, cold compress, cotton swabs and ointment.

Tin was paying at the counter but his eyes were fixated at Can who was just sitting dazed.

Tin went outside after grabbing his change and the things he bought.

Tin whispered.

Can looked at him.
He didn't even noticed Tin sat in front of him.

Can's eyes were gloomy.

"Are you okay?"
Tin asked him worriedly.

Can nodded.

"How about you Tin?"
"Are you okay?
Can asked back.

Tin stared at his lover.
"I would be lying if I said I was Babe."
"I wished Dad, could have easily accepted the situation."
"I honestly expected a lot."
Tin smiled sadly.

He lifted his fingers to touch Can's cheek and lips.

''You shouldn't have covered me Can."
Tin bit his lower lip.
"You're always hurt because of me."
He said feeling pain striking his heart.

Can smiled a little.
"How could I let your Father hit you Tin?"
"If I did, you would start to hate him."
"I couldn't let that happen."
"Besides, I'm okay."
"It's just a little bruise."
Can said reassuringly.

"But, I really hated what he did."
Tin said his face darkening.

Can held Tin's hand.
"Don't use the word hate.."
"Especially towards your father."
"He did say some harsh words."
"But, he was just caught up with his emotions."
"Hate the circumstance we're in Babe..
"Not the person."
Can said remembering what happened earlier.
There were many times he saw remorse and regret registering in the eyes of Tin's dad.

Tin started to put ointment on Cans chapped lip.

"Why do you sound an old wise man, Cantaloupe?"
Tin couldn't help but chuckle.

"I think, when your father slapped me Tin."
"He passed some of his wisdom over."
Can couldn't help but kid around.

Tin couldn't help but laugh.
"You and your silly jokes."
Tin pinched his lover's nose.

Then he placed the cold compress on his cheek.

"Never do that for me again Can."
Tin asked in a serious tone after.

Can looked at Tin.

"Don't ever put the blame on yourself."
"Nor cover me.."
"It will hurt me more, to see you suffer."
Tin said with reddening eyes.
His veins were starting to pop because he was trying hard to control his emotions.

Can grabbed the compress from Tin's hand then placed it in the table.

He lifted both his hands towards Tin then locked him in an embrace.

"I do not have any idea on how to react to situations like that Tin."
Can said with a trembling voice.
"I just let my heart dictate for me."
"I hope, I didn't put you in a much harder position with your Dad."

Tin sighed.
"Why do you always put me first Can?"
"I wouldn't let you carry the burden alone."
"Dad should really blame me.."
"After all, I'm the older one.."

"You're the one always putting up with me Tin."
"It's  not too long since I had started to fight for us."
Can said recalling their ordeal in the past.

"Do you think.."
"Samantha, is behind those pictures Tin?"
Can asked in full wonder.

"Honestly babe.."
Tin stated.
"Whomever they are."
"They just gave us so much to thank for."

"I don't understand Tin."
Can answered.

"I still, would like to know whose behind this Can."
"But, I would just rather put it off some other time."
"As for Us, Dad knowing our relationship from the pictures, somehow made me feel a like I can breathe more normally now, since every one we know, knows about the real us."
"Whether, they accept it or not."
Tin said raising a point.

Can nodded then smiled.
He kinda got what his lover said.
It's true.
They have nothing to hide anymore.

"I love you Tin."
Can murmered.

Tin smiled.
"I love you too Can.."

"Should we just elope?"
Tin asked jokingly.

Can chuckled.
"Good suggestion."
"It's almost our semester break."
"Should we go and take a vacation?"

Tin hugged Can tightly.
"I would love that."
He said a hand patting Can's head.

They embraced for a moment.

Then released each other to continue compressing Can's bruising cheek.

They were silent.

Thoughts started running in each others minds.




Some of this, their thoughts had revolved around.

But right now..

Freedom, owes the biggest weight in the scale of their lives.

Can looked at his watch.

So many things has happened in such a small amount of time..

So in his mind, he was thinking there is a big chance Devon's mindset will turn around.

Can tried to sweep away any worries.

Can called his lover who was busy with his cheek.

Tin answered in a murmer.

"Aren't you hungry?"
Can asked.

Tin was not really in the mood to eat,
so instead, he asked Can back.
"Are you?"

Can flattened his lips.
"I'm not hungry.".
"But, I feel like chewing on something."
Can stated, thinking which food would interest him right as this moment.
He needed it as much for a diversion.

Tin smiled.
"Would you like to munch on me instead?"
Tin asked teasingly.
"Atleast, I won't get exhausted, you'll never ran out of me as your supply plus you won't gain any weight."

Can's nostrils grew big.
"Do you think I gained some weight?"
He asked Tin.

Tin chuckled.
At a moment of torment for both of them,
Can can still asks senseless questions.
"Hmmmmm. A little.."
Tin said, "but it's a good weight gain for you Babe."

"Can I ask you another question then Tin?"
"And Can you be honest with me?"
Can stared at his lover.

Tin nodded.

"Is my butt."
"Really diminishing?"
Can blurted out.

Tin couldn't help but laugh.

"Don't laugh at me Tin!"
Can said frowning.
"I'm serious!"

"You know,"
Can voiced out.
"Whenever, we do it."
"My butt get slammed one way or another."
"Then Sandy said earlier, My butt has started to disappear."
Can innocently pointed out..
"Did it really Tin?

Tin couldn't help but release another laugh.

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