Mine or Her's?

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Alyssa ended up knowing Can was hospitalised.
She reprimanded the two as they did not tell her immediately and it's all thanks to Sandy's big mouth.

"Ohh.. I really want pull her hair right now.."
Can blurted out of nowhere.

Tin looked at Can curiously.
"Whoooo.. Babe??!"
"Your mom???!"

Tin asked pointing to the woman who was busy at the kitchen cooking.

They were seated in the couch while watching a movie.

"Dont call me babe especially when mom's around!"
Can hushed his lover afraid that Alyssa would hear.
"And why would I pull my mom's hair Tin?!
Can said his eyes shrinking while looking at him.

Tin chuckled then mop Can's hair with his right palm.

Can shoved his hand away then pouted.

He was already discharged.
His mom is at their unit visiting them.. almost everyday.
She went on a leave of absence after hearing about him.

"Speaking of the devil."
Can said when his phone rang and saw the caller ID.

"Yes Sandy."
"Why are you here?!"
Can asked then the doorbell rang.

"Oh Can honey."
"That must be Sandy, Can you open the door?"
"I invited her over."
Alyssa said shouting at his son.

"I can hear you mom."
"You don't have to shout."
"And why did you invite her without asking me first."
Can expressed his irritatation.

"What hon?"
Alyssa asked as she can't hear him, she was frying something and she can only hear the sound of the meat crackling on the frying pan.

"Never mind."
Can said then stood up.

Tin who was observing Can couldn't help but laugh.

Can is really amazing.
He is so unpredictable that even he could not read him at times.

"OMG, Finally!"
Sandy said after Can opened the door.

She passed Can and immediately went over to the kitchen,
she saw Tin and greeted him with a sweet smile.

Tin nodded then Can closed the door shut, walked and sat beside his lover.

"I missed you!"
Sandy said then gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"And I missed you brat.."
Alyssa said embracing Sandy.

"I bought what you asked for."
She said then opened the eco bag on her hand.

"Thank you dear!"
"Go now, join the two and I'm almost done here."
Alyssa unpacking the lettuce she missed to buy at the market.

Sandy turned around and saw the two cozy in the sofa..
She glided towards them and shooted herself on the space between the two lovers.

Tin immediately moved to the far end of the sofa as Sandy's bare skin grazed his arm.

Can snickered.
"What on earth?!"
"Why don't you sit there at the vacant seat?!"
He said pointing at the solo couch.

"And why should I when there is space in between you two?!"
"We need to conserve mother earth Can!"
She said then looked at Tin, grabbed his arm to make him sit near

Tin suprised again.
"What the hell?!"
He said but only in his mind..
If he doesn't know Sandy, he would think she was flirting with him.. She was wearing a short skirt and it skidded upwards when she sat and Tin is now seeing her well rounded thighs.... uncomfortably.

Tin looked upwards and met Can's eyes.
He can see Can's almond eyes and lips thinning.

Tin felt colds sweats forming in his forehead.
"Come on Tin.. Sit near me,"
Sandy still didn't let go of Tin's arm.

Tin gently pulled his arm away and stood.
"I'll be back, I forgot I need to call someone.."

Tin looked at Can and the other nodded.

Can looked at Sandy and grabbed her skirt down.
"When did you start wearing your lewd thoughts Sandy."

"Hey stop pulling my skirt, Cantaloupe."
Sandy shouted trying to remove his hand.

"Don't use my full name."
Can said tried harder to pull the skirt down her thighs..

"You're underwear is almost showing!"
Can announced out loud.

"Well, let it be, I have the body to show after all."
Sandy said with confidence.
"You were just hospitalised Can but you've aged a lot!"
"You're acting now like you're already forty three!"

Can stood up.
"Don't talk to me.."
He said to her then went inside his room.

Sandy was about to follow him but she was called by Alyssa.
"Dear, can you help me prepare the table."

Sandy stood up then sadly glanced at the door of the room.
"Aye aye, Auntie!"

Can sat down on the side of the bed remembering how Tin almost jumped away from Sandy after she middled on their seat.
"What was that for Sandy?"
He asked and then sighed.
"No, I shouldn't read that wrong.."
Can erased any impure thoughts then his door opened.

Tin called to him in a low soft tone..

Can smiled then patted the bed.
"Sit beside me Tin.."

Tin smiled back and sat down.
Can laid head on Tin's shoulder.

Tin cleared his throat.
"Are you mad at me?"
"You have this tiger look earlier.."

Can straightened his head then pinched Tin's cheek.
"Yes I am.. why were you glancing at Sandy's legs?"

Tin was caught off guard..
Of course he was caught..
And he did look..
He was a man after all.

"No.. you got it all wrong."
Tin tried to explain.
"I didn't glance at them.."
"They exposed themselves on their own."
"Besides your legs are more sexier than hers."
He said trying to make Can laugh..

"More sexier?"
Can repeated..

Tin said with conviction.

"So you like my legs?"
Can asked..

Tin said in all honesty.

"You like my legs more than Sandy's? More than anyone?"
Can asked again.

"Yes.. Yes.."
Tin answered like a loyal dog wagging his tail to his master.

"But you find Sandy's leg sexy because you said mine are sexier, right?" Can trying to catch his lover off guard..

Which he succeeded.

" Ye.... "
Tin said then immediately changed his answer.

"Of course not!"
Tin almost yelled in correcting himself.

Can stood up then headed towards the door.
"You already gave yourself away."

"Wait babe, let me explain.."
Tin said pleading following Can.

A knock on the door interrupted the two.
Can opened and saw Sandy.

"Oh.. Good timing Sandy."
Can said with a fake smile.

"Tin here, has something to tell you."
He said then walked out of the room without looking back at Tin.

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