Let's Celebrate?!

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"It's sad that everyone is not able to attend."

"We did make sure to accommodate all thousands of you here at the resort."

The old man chuckled who was currently in his eighty's but spoke like in his mid forties.

He held the microphone a little closer to his mouth.
"You can use any resources, any amenities."

"There is unlimited drinks and food."
"Alcohol, is for approval only.. especially for athletes."
"Accommodation, of course is not Co-Ed, as we are not promoting unwanted preganancies from one night stands!"
The old man winked.

Everyone just laughed on how frank he was.

"We did not plan any specific itinerary for all of you guys. We just wanted you to feel at home and chill. Laze around, enjoy each and every one's company, get to know one another. Share your experiences. and most of all, behave and just be yourselves."

"This Anniversary is not for the University alone but for all of you, who made this home.."

"Students, Faculty, Maintenance, Security, Everyone of you.. You are the reason why this school is still standing. Have a blast everyone and Enjoy."

The open function room situated on the upper hill of the island which can accommodate thousands of people was filled with claps and shouting.

Sandy waved her hand while shouting.

She was wearing a white shirt with a pale yellow skirt.
She was shoving people off just to go to him.

Can smiled and thought.
Sandy's loyalty is unquestionable.
and, She looked gorgeous with her simple outfit.

Can was wearing a light blue shirt and khaki shorts.

"You look fresh.."
Sandy commented then stood beside Can.

Can frowned.
"What do you mean, I look fresh?"

Sandy laughed.
"You're so grumpy Can"
She answered.
"You're a fruit of course you are fresh."

Can said still frowning.
His eyes were roaming around trying to look for Tin but he was nowhere on sight.

He and Tin arrived at school together but they went their separate ways after.

Tin needs to go with his teammates and aboard their designated bus and boat ride.

So Can just went with his classmates.

Sandy arrived earlier than anyone else as she and Clay needed to assist with the preparation.

Can closed his eyes momentarily as he felt his eyes straining.
He also feels suffocated.
There are so many people and it's making him dizzy.
He calmed himself.
Then looked at Sandy.
"How's you?!"

Sandy sighed in frustration.
She picked something out of her pocket.
Then held two key cards in front.
"I was able to book us the same room!"

"The athletes have their own building there..."
She raised her hand then pointed it at a five floor resort type building with verandas facing the sea situated downhill near the beach.

"And we..."
She moved her hand this time in a slow mo..

She pointed to another building with three floors on the opposite side.
"We will be staying with the cheerleaders."
She said frowning.

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