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Tin lifted Can by the waist then laid him in the bed correctly to face him.

Both still ruggedly breathing.
Smiles were plastered on their tired faces.

Tin bent down.

Their faces leveled.
Their forehead touched.

Can's eyes shut close.
They stayed in that position for a minute or two.

Tin the gave him a slight kiss in the lips.

Can slowly opened his eyes..
He bit his lower lip.
His eyes teary but contented.

"Did I hurt you?"
Tin asked worrying.

Can shook his head..
Wrapped his hands around Tin's neck then kissed his lips..

Tin nibbled Can's lower lip in return..

Can moaned.
He reciprocated and did the same with Tin's upper lip.

The two of them then kissed pervidly.

Can opened his legs wide then wrapped them around Tin.

Tin grinned in between their kisses..

Can's warm body is begining to arouse him.

Tin then lifted Can while they kissed.

Can felt himself floating on air..

Tin's one hand wrapped around Can's waist.

The other supporting his buttocks.

Tin carried his lover and slowly walked towards the bathroom.

While their mouths were busy playing with another.

After a few steps.

They were inside the bathroom.

Tin, still carrying Can.

Flattened his back against at the wall.

Can moaned inside Tin's mouth after feeling the coolness of the tiled wall on his back..

He grabbed Tin tightly..
One hand on Tin's neck.
The other at Tin's hair..

Tin's tongue delved inside Can's mouth..

Can captured and sucked it inside..

Tin removed one hand at Can then reached down to turn on the shower..

The water from the rainfall head started to cleanse their recent aftermath..

Can bit Tin's tongue playfully.

Tin groaned..
Then bit Can's lower lip..

They smiled in between their kisses.

Then deepened it more after..

Tin's one hand went down to his shaft.

He can feel it throbbing hard again.

He glided his hand up and down..

A few seconds after it became rock hard.

Tin slided Can a down a little to adjust their positions.

Making sure he does not fall, he held him tightly by the waist..

Can hugged Tin by the neck without letting go of his lips.

Using the water as their emollient

Tin then inserted himself inside Can..

My Love, My Stepbrother.Where stories live. Discover now