We Are In This Together

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"She's a psycho!"
Sandy couldn't quit squirming with anger.

They are already inside their room.
After making sure Can is taken cared of,
Tin went out to meet with his coach.

Sandy sighed then crossed her arms in annoyance.
It seemed like the Faculty members of the University were having their own fun and were unaware of what was happening until one nosy bystander rushed inside blabbering.

Now they are all scheduled to be interviewed.

Each one of them are being called upon and asked to provide their side of the story.

For Sandy it felt more like of an interrogation.

She was tasked to organize and not cause any scene and all throughout their conversation Clay was non stop face palming in front of her.

Can had an ice pack plastered onto his hand so he can maybe lessen the bruises.

Can sighed.
He remembered speaking to one of the Professors earlier and he was genuinely sympathetic.

He told him that they do value the school's reputation at the same time supports diversity and inclusion. Gender being one, they have nothing against their relationship. What just worries them is what they will tell their parents after knowing that Tin's Dad is still not aware of their relationship.

And of course, being  that this has happened at a University event. They need to inform their guardians.

"Are you okay?"
Sandy asked sitting beside him.

Can looked at Sandy with admiration.
Sandy stood up for him.. for them and he definitely admires his bestfriend's courage.

"Thank you Sandy."
He said wholeheartedly while smiling amidst his bluish cheeks.

"I know you would do the same for me."
Sandy  said suddenly embarassed.

She just noticed than Can has grown up.
And it's weird because he is neither cute or handsome.
He's just.. Can, but attractive in his own way.

"Why the hell are you blushing, Sands?"
Can murmered.

Sandy laughed.

She then became serious after.

"Will you be okay?"
She asked worriedly.
"The whole school.. now knows about you and Tin.."

Can's smiled gently.
"I'll be honest."
"I am scared Sands.."
"But at the same time, I'm relieved."
"At least, We.. can freely show what we are.."
"I mean most of all.."
"Tin would have not care if people knew.."
"I just asked him to keep us a secret."
"Maybe.. it's time.."
"Afterall, secrets aren't meant to be kept forever."

Sandy cleared her throat.
"What if.. the school really talks to Tin's Dad?"
Sandy asked back.

Can felt a lump on his throat.
That has been on his mind for a while.
Even before this happened.

He was glad to know Tin's mom is not against them.
His own mother too.
But Tin and him, has never really talked about his Dad knowing about them.

"I... I don't know Sands.."
"I am not sure.. what is his stand with this kind of relationship.."
Can answered feeling uneasy.

"I think you need to call your Mom, Can."
Sandy Suggested.

"You think so?"
Can asked softly.

Sandy answered.
"She would know what to do.."
She said assuringly.

The door opened and Tin came in.
His face seemed light and exhausted.

Tin said at the two.

Sandy stood up.
Smiled at Tin.
"I guess, I'll leave you two alone."
"Hmmm.. I'll be staying with Clay."
"So feel free to... uhmm."
She looked at Tin then Can.
"I mean please keep this a secret."
"Don't let anyone know that I let you two stay here alone okay.."
"After all, we do not tolerate early pregnancy."
Sandy chuckled.

Can blushed hard.
He shouted at her.

Sandy left the room laughing.

Tin locked the door then walked towards his lover.
He sat down then took the cold pack from Can's now frozen hand.
"Let me.."
He said as he gently patted it across Can's cheeks.

"Are you okay Cantaloupe?"
He asked gently.
He held Can's chin then gently tilted his face left to right so he can see the damages.

Can looked intently at Tin's eyes.
"How about you?"
"What did the Coach tell you?"
Can asked afterwards.

Tin smiled.
"Don't worry about the Coach.. and the team.."
"They were all there when the Coach called me.."
"They just wanted to show their support.."

Can left out a sigh of relief.

"Were you worried?"
Tin asked, his free hand clasping Can's hand.

"I was scared.."
Can's eyes moistened.
"I was scared for you.. more than for me.."
"You have a good reputation at school Tin.."
"I don't want it to be tarnished because of me.."

"Darn reputation.."
"You know, I do not care about any of that Can.."
"All I care about is you.."
Tin said in a serious tone.

"Have you thought about your Dad?"
Can asked with hesitation.
"What if they tell him."

Tin stopped his lovers lips with his finger.
"I already spoke with the Faculty head Can.."
"That's why It took me too long to go back here."

"What do you mean?"
Can asked confused.

"Well, I told them, if they need to speak with someone."
"Mom and Alyssa are willing at any time."
"Dad is different matter of course."
"It's should be between our families.."
"And we should be the one to let him know."
Tin smiled.
The took Can's hand to his lips then kissed it softly.

"When should we tell your Dad, Tin?"
Can asked in a low tone.

Tin paused for a while.
"Let's go home next weekend Can?"
"I guess.. It's time.."

Can nodded with worry.

"We are into this together."
Tin said then cupped his lovers face.
"Okay Babe?"

Can nodded.

Tin then kissed his lips lightly.

Can closed his eyes.

Tin's lips moved around his face.

Kissed his forehead..

His nose..

His chin..

Slightly trailing his bruises..

Then airbrushing them with kisses.

Can swallowed.

Tin went to his lips again.

He pressed his lips unto Can's.

Then his tongue moved.

Licked Can's lips..

Parted them..

Can lounged his..

They touched..

They intertwined..

Their saliva filled each other's mouth.

They moaned while they quench their thirst for each other..

Like they never had water for days..

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