The Queen, Cantaloupe

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Tin released his lover from his conquering.

He raised his head after to look at Can.

The smaller man was flushed all over,
from his face down to his pulsating length.

Tin stared at Can's face for a second.
His eyes were shut,
lips parted while the tip of his pink tongue slightly showing outside..

Can's chest was heaving heavily.
His body giving off gentle shaking.

Can kept calling his name in between his breaths.
Can slightly opened his eyes.

Can grunted in despair as he couldn't feel any signs of Tin's mouth and hands on his body.

"Are you... done?"
Can asked but his eyes were begging.

Tin grinned.
"I haven't started yet, Cantaloupe."
He said with his bedroom voice.

"You are so beautiful.."
Tin said in admiration.

Can felt his heat intensifying..
But not because he was blushing.

But because of how Tin looked while speaking those words.

Can couldn't help but be mesmerized by the sight of his lover.

Tin was hard as a rock..
His sword was sticking up..
Throbbing, and it seems to be getting bigger and bigger..
Can can see Tin's tip leaking..

Tin stared back at Can then lifted his cute little buttocks..

Can bit his lower lip as his eyes continued to watch over Tin's movements.

Tin's throbbing tip started to play at the outer part of Can's hole.

Rubbing it in..
Lubricating the hole more by Tin's own juices.

Can felt himself suffering.

Can's eyes opened wide then lustily stared at Tin..
"Please Tin.."
"End my agony..."
He pleaded with a slight tremmor in his voice.

Tin's sweat on his forehead started to drool down on his face..

His lips were wet and Can felt embarrassed knowing where the moisture came from.

Tin aware that his lover was staring at him,
looked back.

He stucked out his tongue then seductively licked his lips while looking intently at Can.

Letting Can see how he loved his deliciousness.

Can inhaled deeply..
A small enticed smile formed on his lips.

Tin after seeing his lover's reaction felt like giving him the signal to go deep.

He entered Can with no hesitation.

His playing stick was no more..

It dived deep within Can..

Can's eyes closed again as he moaned out loud.

His hands grasping the sheet..
He's head burying itself futher onto the soft pillow..

Tin pulled his lover's pelvic hard towards him on every thrust..

Their bodies making non stop squelching sounds.

In and out..
Tin pushed and pull..
In and out..
His aim was always straight to the hook.

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