Take Me

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Can grabbed Tin's hand and tried to remove them from his body.
Tin tightened his grip.

Tin said his voice trembling, body shaking..

"Just let me go, Tin."
Can said sighing.

"I can't, if I do.. I feel like I'm gonna loose you.."
Tin said afraid of the worst.

Can went silent..
Then after a few minutes, he spoke in a calm but low tone.
"You know Tin.."
"I told mom... that if I ever found someone I love.."
"I would never let that person go.."
"Even if he asks me too."

Tin became astonished and slowly loosened his hold on Can's waist.

Can turned around.
He held Tin's hand and made their fingers intertwined.
"You're that person Tin.."
"I'm not mad at you.."
"I'm not mad at Sandy either.."
"I was just hurt.."

Can stared at Tin's red and swollen eyes..
"No one is to blame.. but me.."
"I was the one who left you and Sandy.."
"I was the one who pushed her to do this.."
Can's eye moistened..
"Just the thought of you.. Tin."
"Being with another..."
"Devastated me.. so much.."
Can held Tin's hands tightly..
"That I thought I could never breath another microgram of air.."

Can's shoulders slowly rocked..
"Oh Tin.."
"I'm so sorry for hurting you.."

Tin released his hands from Can's and grabbed his lover's small body in an embrace..

They cried together..
They cuddled each other in a lullaby only they can explain..

After the momentarily release of regret on the time lost..

Can cupped Tin's cheek..
"Take me, Tin.."
"Make love to me.."
"Imprint yourself on my body.."

Tin's eyes widened but he obliged..
He crossed the space in between as his body moved on it's own..

He missed Can and his hunger was never satiated..
They kissed pervidly..
Their mouths united.
Moist lips and livid tongues explored each other's depth.

They moaned and groaned wanting for more..

"Can.. I.."
Tin said releasing Can's mouth after the long addictive kiss..

Can's eyes were glistening..
Reddish from tears but shimmering with passion..

Can catched Tin's lower lip and suckled it's moisture.
He brushed his fingers on his hair and groped his head to level their faces..

Tin moaned as he felt Can's aggressive nature kicking in..

Tin's hand moved inside Can's upper sleepwear and freely wandered through his smooth like glazed skin..

Can's body shook a little upon feeling his lover's warm palms tracing every corner of his small wanting body..

His expert hands went to his chest and gently rubbed the protruding buds..

Can moan inside Tin's mouth sexily..

Their tongues are still in a duel, not waiting for a winner nor a looser..

Can arched his body upwards.

"Ohhh Tin.."
He moaned then separated his lips from Tin..

He couldn't contain the intense sensation he felt when Tin plucked his nipple making it more harder than before.

Tin lowered his head and unbuttoned Can's sleepwear..
He traced Can's neck and licked every exposed corner..

He then traced his exposed shoulder blade and bit it selfishly leaving a mark of eternity..

Can moaned aloud..
His body is feverish and he can feel himself getting hard..

Tin successfully opened his top and moved towards his waiting buds..

He licked and suck...
Bite and rubbed..

He sent millions of pleasures to Can's delicate frame..

His fingers slidded down towards the hem of his bottom pants..

He traced the lining of his garter and gently inserted his hand..

"Oh Tin.."
Can called his name with rapid breathing..

Tin grabbed a hold of what he was trying to reach for..

He held the pulsating length and slowly toyed the leaking top.

Can's had grabbed the sheet on each side..

His head lowered down and tasted Can's creamy white stomach...

Down and Down...

As he pulled the last remaining cloth that covered his lovers beauty..

Can continued to arch his body to entertain his beloveds invasion.

Tin licked and sucked the mound of flesh behind making Can writhe in pure ecstacy..

Can squirmed non stop as he felt his body convulsing..
He can feel hot liquids pouring out slowly..

Tin held Can's length and move his hand up and down while his tongue feasts on his lovers delight..

Can heard his voice become hoarse as the intensity of Tin's action is igniting blaze of fires he never knew he had stored..

He grabbed and pull Tin's hair as he can feel him slowly swallowing his manhood in his hot moist mouth..

He toyed with Can's crevice using his tongue..
"Ohhhhh.. Ahhhh.."
"Moreeee Tinn.."

Can became shameless..
"I want more Tin.."

Tin heard his lover and put pressure in his tongue while kneading Can's tiny hole..

He then sucked Can whole and moved his mouth up and down swallowing the whole shaft..

Can wriggled his pelvic bone and lifted it a little, spread his legs apart so Tin can fully access his length.

Tin grabbed Can's buttocks upward and pulled it towards him so he can suck Can with all his might..

Can's body shook hard..
"Tinnnn.... I'm..."
"I think I'm cumming.."

Can grabbed a hold of the headboard as he released the pouring liquid out of Tin's mouth.

Tin swallowed everything and stood up looking at his breathless lover...

He removed his clothing while watching the flustered Can whose body was spread beautifully on the bed..

His chest was huffing.. His eyes closed shut and lips slightly parted..

Tin crawled back in the bed as his pulsating hard manhood aches..

He lifted Can's buttocks and legs upward..
The anxious little man with no rejection at all gave all the power to his lover..

Tin used his dripping cum to stimulate and ready Can's opening.
He inserted one finger at a time..
Gently gliding each so he won't do much harm to Can..

Can moaned and moaned..
Pain or not..
He would allow Tin to devour him at any time..

Tin after making sure his lover is ready for the fight, Inserted his leaking length and started the earth shattering movement of their union..

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