Heart to Heart

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"Tin honey.."

Tin looked at his mother then smiled.

They are seated on the lounge chairs underneath the coconut trees with the view of the never ending sea ahead them.

"We have been here for a day now and I never once saw you swim.. and I know you really like the ocean.."
"Is there something wrong?"
His mother asked him worriedly.

Tin just looked blankly at the glistening water.
"My mind is filled with Cantaloupe, mother."
He wanted to voice that out but he'd knew better what to say at this moment.

"It's not that I don't want to swim Mom."
He said while trying to find the right excuse.

"Is it Sam baby?"
She asked with such curiosity.

"How can you ask that?!"
Tin couldn't help but laugh then looked around to check if they are alone or if anyone may hear them.

His mom's eyes moistened a little.
"I know Tin that we may not have shared a lot when it comes to our ideals.. but I'm still your mother.."
"I know when my son is not comfortable with someone" "I can see that when Sam is around."

Tin took his mom's hand and held it.
"That's what makes our relationship great mom."
"We don't always come to an agreement but in the end what matters most is the bond that we have as mother and son."

His mom smiled tenderly..
"Forgive your old mom for my shortcomings, will you Tin?"

Tin pulled his mom to a gentle embrace.
"I love you mom.."

"and I, you Tin."

The two then both laughed heartily after releasing each other from the hug.

"Now, Tell me Tin about this person that you like."
She stated not forgetting their previous topic.

"Wow mom!"
"Earlier, it's about Sam and now you shifted already to the person that I like."

Tin laughed out loud as his mom was unbelievable.

He never knew that she can be this observant.

"You're not comfortable with Sam because of the person you like, is that correct?!"
She winked at Tin like she was able to uncover the missing piece of the puzzle.

Tin exclaimed slightly blushing...
He never had any chance to do a heart to heart talk with any of his parents and he feels really embarrassed doing it.

She pinched Tin's arm a little.
"Naughty boy!"
"I know how naughty you are especially with girls!"
"I even know what age you got divirginized!"

"Oh my God!"
"How could you possibly know that mother?!"
Tin's eyes went wider and wilder remembering his first.

His mom laugh really aloud..
"But seriously Tin.."
"You can tell me anything."

Tin sighed and vowed his head..

His mom called and patted his shoulder.

"Can I really mom?"
"Can I really tell you?"
"Can you accept me afterwards?"
Tin looked upwards slowly to meet his mother's eyes.

His mom covered his mouth using one hand while her face was filled with shock..
"Oh my... Tin?!"
She may already have an idea of what Tin was about to say. "Did you get someone pregnant?!"

Tin exhaled in exasperation.
"Even if I want to! I wouldn't be able to impregnate him!
He spoke in clarity and no pretense.
He even put an emphasis on the word "him".

His mom covered her mouth using both hands.
"Oh my! Tin?! Are you saying you're..."
"You're gay?!"
His mom spoke softly but her eyes were still wider than normal.
"Oh my God... I raised a daughter all along?!"
"How could I not know?!"

Tin washed his face with both hands.
"Mom please calm down.."

"Oh, I am calm Tin!"
"I'm just really suprised that's all."
She nervously laughed afraid she may have offended his son by her actions.

"Mom, I am not gay okay.."
"At least, I believe I'm not."
Tin sighed then looked at his mother.
"I don't want to be put under any labels just because I fell in love with the same gender."

His mom smiled..
"Understood dear."
"Please forgive my reaction."
"I hope, I did not offend you in any way.."
She grabbed his son's hands and cupped them in hers.
"I am your mother."
"I am here to listen and to accept you for who you are."

Tin felt warm..
Warm stinging tears emerging from his eyes.
"Thank you mother."

She pulled Tin in an embrace and also cried.
She was absent from Tin's life for a long time.
She may be there with him when he was growing up.. physically at least but she really lacked when it comes to her maternal duties..

After a few minutes of making sure they are emotionally ready to continue their conversation,
Tin took the wheel and re-introduced himself to the person who bore him out of this world.

"You only like Can?!"
"And no other guys has made you feel this way?!
His mom's voice sounded ecstatic while reverifying what he just told her.

"He is the only guy I'm attracted to mother."
"If it's not him, then I would not have cared for any other guy."
Tin repeated what he said again.

"Okay, okay.  I got it dear."
She smiled.
"Does your father know about this Tin?"
She suddenly asked out of nowhere.

Tin paused..
Then looked at her.
He hadn't given a thought to that.
Tin shook his head.

His mother started to tap her fingers into her arms.
"It's best not to tell him yet okay?"
"Not until... You and Can are both sure of yourselves."

Tin frowned upon hearing her mother's last sentence.

She smiled understandably.
"Don't get me wrong honey. "
"You and Can, you're both young."
"I know you are both responsible in your own way."
"But both of you.. must be ready to speak up when the time comes."

Tin looked at the sand below his feet while listening to his mother speak.
"Love is a two way process dear."
"Regardless of what gender.."
"It comes with great responsibility."
"Both parties should always have faith with each other"
"Whenever you have fights.."
"It's never about who is right or wrong.."
"It's always about who decides to fix it first."
"So until you resolve everything.. you remove any insecurities or any doubts about your relationship.."
"then, I guess that is the right time you sit down with Alyssa and your Dad about this.."

Tin nodded..
"I guess you're right, mom."

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