Pretend Game

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"Time really flies fast."
Can thought as he went outside Tin's car in the university's parking lot..

"Yeah, it does."
Tin locked the door after answering Can.

Can looked at his lover.
"Are you a mind reader Tin?!"
Can blurted out.

Tin walked near and softly kissed his cheek.

He spoke with adoration for his little man.
"You said your thoughts aloud silly."
Then lifted his arm and slinged it on Can's shoulder.

Can shoved his hands on Tin's chest to push him away.
Then took a look around the vicinity.
"What are you doing Tin?!"
"We are at school?!"

Tin looked at the other.
"I know,"
"I can see love.."
"I drove us here, right."

Can stomp his right foot.
"That's not what I meant."
"We can't just do PDA in public places okay."
"Especially at school."

Tin's face darkened a little..

Can couldn't give an answer.

Tin asked again.
"Tell me why Can?!"

Can looked at Tin whose face was covered with a frown..
"Just because.."
Can answered trying to find the right words.
"We came here to study Tin."
"No one can know.. that you and I.."

The two were interrupted and saw a group of three approaching them.

"How was your vacation Can?!"
Asked by the one in the middle.

"Who's he?!"
Asked by the other flirtatiously looking at Tin.

Can swallowed hard.
He stammered thinking of what to say.

He looked at Tin who was just eyeing him hard.

"His name is Tin.."
Can said softly.

"Heyyy there Tin!"
The three greeted Tin in chorus then proceeded in introducing themselves.

"He's a looker Can.."
Uttered the smaller girl.

"Is he.. your boyfriend?"
Asked the other.

Can waived his hand in front..
"How should I introduce him??"
He asked himself but after hearing them say he was gay he ate all he was about to say.
"Noooo way.. I'm not gay okay!"
He blurted aloud.

He is getting pissed as everyone is assuming he swings the other way.. "But with Tin? Don't I really? swing the other way?"
He told himself.

So instead he accidentally slipped..
"I actually just met him here."
"He just asked for directions."

Tin's lips thinned into one fine line.

His eyes became as cold as ice..

There was a sudden desire inside wanting to pull Can hard to ask, "What the hell was wrong?!"
But he maintained his cool and spoke in an empty tone..

"I just bumped into him."
Tin said then stared at the three.

Can's eyes widened with surprise after hearing Tin..

The three swooned with glee and immediately encircled Tin..

Tin faked a laugh.
"I don't want to take much of this friendly guys time."
"He was kind enough to point me to the administration office."
He said pertaining to Can, riding on to his pretense.

"Would anyone of you care to accompany me there?!"
Tin asked the three who seemed to be so happy after hearing his offer.

The big boobed red hair wrapped herself in Tin's arm.
"I can take you there."

Can lifted his hand but then hesitated.
"Wait.. why? Tin?"
He thought he voiced it out but Tin and the three walked ahead.

Can was left pinned to the ground so guilty of himself..

He kept asking why he didn't introduced Tin and pretended he was a stranger..

His eyes moistened..
Tin is indeed an attractive guy as the three were hovering him like bees.

"Ebony you're such a slut, why don't you remove your hand gurl." Said the taller gurl, "Let me touchhh"

"Ohhhh.. Are you an athlete?, my those muscles.."
She said taking hold of Tin's open arm.

"Yeah.. he is and he's mine..."
Can wanted to shout loud but bit his lip hard as he saw them move far away..

"Damn.. why did I even pretend.."
"Why couldn't I be true to myself."

Can couldn't help but look at the disappearing back of Tin..
He knew he just committed a big mistake..

"Heyyyy what ya doing there Cannnnn?"
A loud voice was heard which was accompanied by a thudding sound of a closing door.

Can brushed the threatening tears before turning around.
"Oh.. Hey Sandy.."
He said in a melancholic tone..

She was coming from outside his brother's car.
Clay waved his hand as he drove away to go to the faculty's parking lot after dropping her off.

"What's wrong Can?"
She asked after seeing his sad face..

"Huh.. Nothing Sands."
He said avoiding her eyes.

But Sandy knows him well..

"Ow come on.."
"I know that look.."
Sandy said insisting she must know the reason behind Can's lack of spirit.

Can sighed and told her everything.

"Ow Can!"
Sandy said scratching her head vigorously.

"God Sandy."
"Your dandruff is falling everywhere."
Can said trying to lighten what he is feeling.

Sandy pretended to ride on but she was really irritated with Can's stupidity.

"Why did you do that Can?"
"Telling people you don't know Tin?"
"If you couldn't admit that you two are together. ."
"You should have introduced him as your step brother."
Sandy scolding him non stop while shaking her head in dismay.

"It was so sudden and I was caught off guard."
"I didn't mean to do that Sands.."
Can washed his face using both palms..
"I don't know what to do Sands.."
"He acted so cold earlier and that scared me so much.."

Sandy sighed.
"Well, I'm sorry Can.."
"But I'm with Tin this time."
"If I were him, I'd do more."

Can lifted his face and looked at Sandy.
"What do you mean?!"

Sandy smirked.
"If I were Tin and you pretended you didn't know me."
"I'll kiss and fuck you right there and there!"

Can was suprised.
"Crazy! Clay was right, you're lewd Sandy!"

Sandy laughed like crazy.
"Just tell me if you need help with Tin okay.."
"I'll come running.."
She said standing like a knight..

But in her mind..
"Will I really come running for Can... or to comfort Tin because of what Can did?"

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