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Alyssa began packing her bag.

Devon opened the door to the room.

"What are you doing?"
Devon asking the obvious.

Alyssa didn't answer.

She put in the things she needed inside the bag then zipped it.

She went to the nightstand after and grabbed her car keys.

Devon called hesistantly.

Alyssa still didn't answer.

She walked towards the door.

Devon grabbed her by the hand.

"Alyssa, Honey please."
"I know,.."
"I said some things earlier, that I shouldn't have."
"But please, don't leave."
Devon's voice was straining.

Alyssa looked at him.
"I know you're angry Devon."
"And, that may have triggered you to say things you never wanted to say."
"I know, it's not about even me."
"And, I shouldn't be doing this."
"But, I'm hurting right now."
Alyssa said in all honesty.

"But your son's right."
"I hate to admit it but, I too, expected a lot from you."
"I think, what you need is time right now Devon."
Alyssa tried hard to fight her tears.

She removed her husband's grip.

Then went towards the door.

Devon ran after her.

He hugged her from behind.

"Don't leave Alyssa."
"I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry that I hurt you.."
"That I hurt Can.."
"I was blinded by my judgement."
"I wasn't thinking straight.."
Devon's voice was pleading.

"How about your son Devon?"
"Whatever, he may have done,"
"Even if it's not about having this kind of relationship."
"Would you think hitting him will fix it?!"
Alyssa closed her eyes remembering what had occured ealier.

"You and Tin."
"You've been away from each other for a very long time."
"When we got married,"
"You were given an opportunity to reconnect with him."
"He choose to come home here."
"To be with you."
"But, your business is always your priority isn't it?"
Alyssa continued.

"You always have time for me Devon,"
"Don't get me wrong."
"But, have you ever had any time for your son?"
Alyssa asked letting the other know what she had observed.

Devon paused.

"I treat Tin as my own son."
"Did you even know that he wanted to be like you?"
"That he admired you, his father so much."
"And when he graduates, he plan to start his own business from scratch, just like what you did?"
Alyssa said remembering a time when she visited the two and during dinner Tin and Can would talk about what they wanted to do in the future.

Alyssa removed Devon's hands around her.
"How many times have you reached out to Tin ever since he arrived?"
"Have you two bonded alone?"
"Whenever I visit them, I go by myself. "
Alyssa added.

"Have you even asked him how he is faring at school?"
"When was last time he called you or even received a message from you?"
Alyssa asked.

Devon released his wife with a scowl on his forehead.
He was trying to remember.
He did call Tin.. today..
But only to tell him to go home,
Because he knew about their relationship.

"I know Tin is very independent."
"He do not need much guidance."
"But as his Father, Devon."
"Aren't you supposed to give him a little support on what he wanted to do with his life?"
Alyssa's voice was filled with sadness.
"An independent child can only do so much."

Devon sighed.
"It is not really that easy for me to accept their relationship."

"Every parent feels that."
"I'm not asking you to change your mind in an instant Devon."
''And this isn't purely about their relationship at all."
Alyssa said also sighing.

"Most children would plead to their parents when faced with this situation".
Alyssa had a flashback, seeing Can begging Devon, who isn't even his real father.

"But Tin,"
"Tin instead answered you back."
"He didn't even try to win your favor."
"That definitely should give you a sign about how your relationship is with him."
She looked at her husband, then held his hand.

Devon didn't look at Alyssa.
His eyes were gazing at the floor.

"You're a very reasonable man Devon."
"That's one of the things I loved about you."
"Remember, when we went on our honeymoon?"
"The suite next to ours was a couple of the same gender."
"And, didn't we enjoy the time with them when we met at breakfast?"
Alyssa smiled.

"You were laughing constantly."
"You were telling them that nowadays, love is the only thing that matters."
"How can it be different for our own sons?"
"You treated them, who were random strangers as equal."
"Is it really difficult, to do the same, to our own flesh and blood?"
Alyssa said in a calm manner.

Devon looked at his wife.
He couldn't help but think about the time Alyssa mentioned.

Devon sighed.
"That maybe, what was hard for me.."
"Never have I imagined, that this would happen to our own sons."
Devon said calmly.

"Will you give me time to think about it?
"Would you still leave, if I asked for this?
Devon asked with fear in his eyes.

Alyssa smiled.
Devon looked like a young child,
asking his bestest buddy not to leave him.

Alyssa held Devon's hands tight.
"I'm sorry for acting rashly Honey"
She said.

"Of course not."
"I won't leave you."
Alyssa hugged his husband tight.

Devon started to sob.

"I didn't know that you were a crybaby."
Alyssa said seeing a new side of the man she married.

"I have so many dreams for Tin."
"He is my only son."
"He is so strong willed."
"I didn't want him to experience those hardships that I had in the past."
"But he always declined to receive help from me."
"And, I thought that was okay."
"He doesn't tell me anything about what's going on with his life."
"Maybe, if I.."
"If I, asked first.. then maybe, I would have understood him and his feelings more."
Devon shared with regrets.

"Oh honey."
Alyssa smiled compassionately.
"I know it's hard to accept what the kids have."
"I must admit."
"Being in the same position as you are."
"Can is my only son too."
"When he first told me he has feelings for Tin."
"I was baffled."
"But because, I didn't want to hurt his feelings."
"And at the back of my mind, I also wanted him to have a family of his own someday."
"I kept my quiet and also thought, maybe these feelings he has will pass."
"But, whenever I see how happy he was mentioning Tin's name.."
"Whenever, I see how they belong together."
"I learned to accept and wholeheartedly support them."
"Maybe, you should start by the doing the same Hon?"
Alyssa suggested.

"Be on the sideline."
"And, later on, maybe you'll find it in you to accept their relationship?"
Alyssa said in all smiles.

Devon answerd by hugging his wife tightly.

Alyssa then patted his husband's head.

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