In the Heat of the Night

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Tin moved his lips down to his lover's neck..

Can slowly pushed Tin away.

Tin looked at him worriedly.
"What's wrong Babe?"
"Are you hurting somewhere?"
Afraid that he has unknowingly pushed Can after the incident earlier.

Can shook his head.
The hoarseness in Tin's voice just ignited the intensity of the flames which started to burn into his body.

Can stood up..

He placed himself in between Tin's legs.

Tin smiled.
His hand automatically moved then started to pull Can by the waist but Can pushed them back.

"Tonight.. I.."
Can said with a cute tremmor in his voice.

Tin waited for him to continue.

"I want to taste you.."
Can said then bit his lower lip.

Tin swallowed then looked at his lover's eyes.

They were burning with desire.
With hunger..

Tin grinned then said.
"Do what you want Baby. "

Can started to undress himself first..

In slow motion, he first removed his top.
Then next his shorts..
With trembling hands, he moved to his underwear.

Can stood there, all naked..
With all nervousness, his heart beating hard.

Tin sat there mesmerized.
He has seen Can naked many times.
He has tasted every inch of him.
And everytime he sees his flesh..
His manhood throbs like it's the first time.

Can slowly kneeled.

Tin swallowed hard.

He raised the hem of Tin's sando.

Can bent his head down..

Kissed Tin's stomach..

Traced his abdominal muscles.

Licking his sculpted flesh.

Throwing kisses anywhere he could.

Biting, nibbling his lover's toned abdomen.

Contouring each lines that were either a gift of genetics or a result of Tin's healthy and athletic disposition.

He moved his head down,
then blew the happy trail of hairs on Tin's stomach..

He felt Tin's body shiver a little.

Can smiled in between what he was doing.

Tin felt that.
"Naughty Cantaloupe."
He said in full bedroom voice.

Can slowly pulled Tin's shorts down.
He smiled as Tin's erect manhood popped up.

He continued to trace Tin's happy trail downwards.

Until he reached what he was looking for.

Tin took a sharp breath.

Can's hot breath in his throne is the most delightful feeling in the world.

Can lifted Tin's manhood using one excited hand.
It clasped tightly into Tin's pulsating length.

Tin moaned.

Can slowly glided his hands.

Up and down.
Up and down.
Up and down.

Can felt Tin's length bobbing in his hand.

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