Doubts of Acceptance

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"Hold on."
Tin said while gently pulling the steering wheel to the left to avoid the dog which suddenly crossed the road.

Can's eyes widened as he felt the sudden tingle in his bottom due to Tin's maneuver.

If they didn't stop last night.. he might be a cripple now.
He thought to himself.

When he woke up this morning he literally couldn't stand and his whole body hurts so much that Tin had to bathe and carry him everywhere he goes.

"Well. I wanted this."
Can said in his head smiling.

"We almost hit a dog Can."
"Why are you so happy?"
Tin asked frowning.

Can blushed.
He may have lead some of the love making last night.
But he is still as embarrassed as hell with his actions..
"Of course not.."
"I was just thinking about something else.."

Tin grinned..
"Is this... regarding..."
"You seducing me?"
He said then glanced at him for a second after focusing on the road.

Can blushed..
"Oh God.. "
"Stop teasing me Tin!"
"You took advantage of me!"
He said trying to hide his shame.

Tin chuckled.
"You're a willing prey my dear."
"or rather, I'm the willing victim."
He said then heard Can's phone rang.

"Who is that?!"
Tin asked frowning.
Starting to get possessive of his little lover.

Can smiled..
"It's Sandy.."

Tin eased up.
"Guess.. you two made up?"

"I forgave you... so I did the same to her."
Can said with his cute eyes glistening.

"So I'm the one at fault?"
Tin asked face blank.

Can pouted.
"Of course you are.."
"You should have known better to kiss my Best friend."

Tin smirked..
"Well, your boyfriend is really hot.."
"So don't blame me if girls swoon over this handsome guy."
"And.. You know better.."
"I would never kiss anyone else than you.."

Can uttered a fake laugh.
"Okay. You're hot.."
"Can't blame them."

He paused then continued.
"Remember, I'm also a good catch Tin."
"So don't ever blame me if other people will fall for me too."

Tin chuckled.
"Nope.. I don't think so my dear Cantaloupe."

Can looked at Tin frowning.
"How can you be sure other people won't be attracted to me?!"

Tin's face became serious.
"They won't.."
"Because I'll tattoo my name on your forehead.."

Can laughed aloud..
"Yeah.. right..."
The ringing continued so Can picked up his phone and chatted with Sandy non stop.

They arrived home and Tin again, had to carry Cantaloupe.

People are curious being by nature.
Seeing a guy carrying another guy in bridal style is really unusual but Tin went on confidently not caring about the stares given their way.

He gently laid Can in bed and kissed him full in the mouth.
Can said pushing his lover's broad shoulder.

Tin asked frowning..

Can embarrassed..
"If you will not stoppp.."
"I'm afraid Tin, I'll loose my mind again.."

Tin chuckled.
"Of course.. I understand"

He gently brushed Can's hair using his fingers..
"I can't have you on leave at school again babe..."
"Alyssa and Dad.. will kick my ass.."

Can reached out to his lover's face.
Tin is slowly forming a frown and lines in his forehead are showing. Can used his fingers to flatten those appearing curves.
"I don't ever want to see you frown Tin.."
"I want us.. Me and You.. to be happy all the time."

Tin took his lover's hand and kissed it..
"Remember Cantaloupe.."
"You're mine.."
"I love you."
Tin said then pushed his forehead against Can's.

They stayed like that for a few minutes.

Tin stood up..
"Just lie down and I'll prepare us something to eat."

Can smiled softly and after Tin left he embarrassingly buried his face to his already deformed pillow.

Can blurted out..
He was so happy right now.
He has never felt this before and how he'd wish there was someone he could tell it too aside from Sandy..
Maybe like his mom?

"Well, she already knows right?!"
Can thoughts were loud..

"Who knows what?!"
Tin asked while removing his shirt and replacing it with a blue sando.

Can swallowed but brushed his menacing thoughts away after seeing Tin's sculpted body..

Tin said then slowly approached Can.
He boiled some eggs in the kitchen then decided to change his clothes when he heard his lover talk aloud to himself again.
"What about Alyssa, Can?!"

"Hmmmm.. Don't be mad okay.."
Can said then swallowed again..
"I kinda told her... about you and me.."

Tin frowned..
"I see.. What did she say?"
Tin sat at the edge of the bed fearing for the worst.

"She's actually not against anything Tin.."
"Especially when it comes to love.."
Can said it like he was just stating an opinion..

Tin sighed.. in relief..
"Would you know if Alyssa told Dad yet?"

Can looked at his lover curiously.
"We agreed not to tell anyone else so I'm not really sure Tin.."
"Would you like me to ask Mom?"

Tin shook his head.
"As you know.. Dad and I.. we are not that really close.."
"I'm still on the process of getting to know him."
"I know he's cool and all.."
"Though, I really don't know what his stand when it comes to situations like this."

Can gently nodded in head in agreement.
"I.... I get you Tin."
"I mean.. I guess.."
"He would take this as openly as Mom did?"

Tin sighed then looked at Can then felt guilty..
His little man who was filled with hope and happiness earlier suddenly was clouded with doubt of acceptance.

Tin gently pulled him up in an embrace..
"Let's not make any assumptions on anything, promise me.. Cantaloupe?"

Can nodded while his head is snuggled in Tin's warm and broad chest..

"Let's cross the bridge when we get there.. alright?"
Tin pulled him a little tighter..

"I love you Cantaloupe.."
Tin whispered and kissed his lover's hair..

"And I, I do you.."
Can said softly.. but enough for Tin to hear and feel.

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