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Can and Sandy were walking towards the University gate.

Tin messaged him telling him to head home first as he still has practice to attend to.

Can notified him that Clay offered to take him home.

Clay took an early out as he first needs to drop by somewhere and will go back to fetch them after.

The two were standing outside the University for fifteen minutes now, chatting about things when Sandy noticed a car parking near them.

Can did not notice it as he was facing Sandy and his back was facing the arriving vehicle.

A figure went outside of the car and walked towards the two.

Sandy tugged Can's shoulder.

Can wondered why Sandy was tugging him when they were just standing close to each other.

Sandy seemed to have lost her tongue.

Can asked frowning.

"It's your Stepdad."
Sandy blurted out.

Cans eyes widened.
He answered, unsure if he heard Sandy correctly.

"How can Uncle Devon be here Sands?!"
"He's attending a business meeting outside the country."
"Mom is the only one here."
Can said his brows knitting then turned his head around.

Can's eyes widened with surprise.
Tin did not say that his Dad is back.
Wait, does Tin know?
Can's mind went blank.

The old man is now standing in front of them.
He smiled at Sandy.
And, then looked at Can.

Can felt nervousness squirming from his toes up.

"Uncle Devon.."
Can stuttered.
"You're back?"
Can continued.

Devon gave Can a smile then nodded.
But that smile, didn't reach his eyes.

Someone shouted at the other side of the road.

It was Clay.
He was waving his hand at the window from the car's driver seat.

"Should I?"
Sandy didn't know whether to pull Can to go with him.
Tell Devon excuses.

Can looked at Sandy.
"Go Sandy."
"I'll call you later."
"Tell Clay, thanks for the offer."
Can said pushing Sandy away with a voice filled with uncertainty.

Sandy looked at the old man.
''I'll go ahead now."
Sandy looked hesitant to leave Can.
She waved her hand awkwardly then walked towards the parked car and cannot help but look back to where Can was standing.

Devon raised his hand and also waved.

Sandy opened the passenger door.
Then went inside.

"Whose that?"
"With Can?"
Clay asked, he could only see the back profile of the man.

"That's Uncle Devon.."
Sandy said still looking back at the two even if the car was moving.

Clays uttered.
"Tin's dad?"
"What's he doing here?"
"Shouldn't he be abroad or something?"
Clay asked.

"I don't know brother."
"and, I don't have a good feeling about this."
Sandy said worriedly.

She took out her phone then tried to call Tin.
However, Tin is not answering.
She decided to send him a message instead.

"Tinnn is..."
Can said his lover's name but felt awkward.

Uncle Devon is looking a little.. indifferent.
Can thought.

"I'm not waiting for Tin."
"I'm here for you."
Devon interrupted Can.

"Lets go to the car."
Devon said, then walked towards his vehicle.

Can hesistantly followed the older man.

The car ride was pretty silent and both passengers didn't utter any sound.

Can can also see his mom's name showing on his Uncle Devon's car monitor but the other kept canceling it.

Can was thinking maybe because he was driving.
But his mom was persistent and she kept ringing his Stepfather's phone.

Can's phone rang after.
It was his mom.
Can answered.
"Hi honey."
'Is your Uncle with you?"
Can frowned.
"Yes he is."

He can hear his mom's breathing swaying.
"Can you please tell him to answer my call, baby."
Alyssa's voice was cracking.
"Is there something wrong Mom?"
Can asked his Mom while feeling a little nervous.

"Is that Alyssa?"
Devon asked.

Can nodded.

"Tell her, I'll take her call."
Devon said thriftly.

Alyssa called Devon and he pressed the answer key on the screen.

Alyssa's voice filled the vehicle, she was on a loudspeaker.

"Honey please."
"Can you let Can go first, then let's talk at home."
Alyssa voice was breaking.

Can wanted to ask what was wrong.

But Devon's voice cut him off before he can say any word.

"Can and I are on the way."
"I messaged Tin to come home as soon as he finished his practice."
Devon said sounding serious.

"Honey please."
"Can is my son.."
"I can speak to you in behalf of him."
Alyssa's voice was pleading.

Can's eyes widened.
Oh my God..
His mind screamed.
Uncle Devon knows?!

"They are both our sons Alyssa!"
"And, I cannot believe you tolerated them!"
Devon's voice was firm and sounding a little disappointed.

"Devon, Honey please."
"I know you're mad."
"But, can we talk about it first without involving the kids?."
Alyssa tried to reason out with her husband.

"And, let them do what they please?!"
"Are you hearing yourself Alyssa?"
Devon's voice was defeaning.

Can felt like his back was being slammed to the car seat.

He had never been this nervous and scared..

"It's my fault, Devon."
"Blame me all you want."
"But you, we can never stop the kids from feeling.."
Alyssa's words were cut off..

"They are brother's by law Alyssa?!"
"They are not blood related, I get that!"
"But they are both men!"
Devon's fist slammed the steering wheel.
"I know Can is your son!"
"But you must understand, Tin is my son!"

Can wanted to jump off the car and run.
He wanted to scream his lover's name..

He was so scared of his Uncle Devon's reaction and what's about to happen.

"Let's not be irrational, Honey."
Alyssa said sniffing..

Can felt pain knowing his mom is suffering because of him.

His mom was obviously crying.

"Let's talk once were home."
Devon ended the call.

Can called the older man.
Can wanted to voice out what he was feeling.

"I treated you as my own son."
Devon started.
"How can you and Tin disappoint me this much?"
"Why? Why did you lie to my face and even colluded with your mom?!"

Can being put in a situation like this for the first time.
Couldn't find the right words.
And, his emotions took over.

He started to cry.

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