An Unexpected Visitor

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"Tin, I forgot something upstairs.."
"I'll be back real quick."
Can not letting Tin speak ran in a haste towards the elevator at the basement parking.

Tin sighed and smiled at his lover's sight whose butt cheeks were slightly giggling with every stride.
"Cantaloupe is just so freaking cute.."
He whispered with admiration.

After a busy week at school they decided to go to the cinema and watch a movie.

Can reached their Units floor and rushed outside when he accidentally bumped into someone's shoulder...

Gentle crushing sounds of paper bags broke the person's fall.
Can who hit the floor, butt first took a hold of himself and stood up immediately to help the other.

"I'm.. I'm really sorry, that was clumsy of me.."
Can extended his hand towards the woman and eyed her curiosly.

"Why does she looks familiar?"
Can thought but only to himself.

The woman took his hand and stood up..

Can asssisted her in grabbing the paper bags which were scattered on the floor.

All of them were designer paper bags and still has their enclosure tags..

"I'm really sorry again."
Can said apologetically while they were gathering everything.

"Oh... that's okay young man.."
The woman finally spoke and her voice was hoarse but not due to any throat illness..

"Has she been crying?!"
Can thought as he observed reddish veins popping out of the corner of her eyes.

He followed the woman's movement as she stacked up the bags in her arms..

"Do you need any help in carrying those?"
Can couldn't help but ask..

"Oh no... everything's fine."
She sighed, strain was evident in her tone.
"Oh.. I'm just.."
She said stopping halfway..
"No.. It's fine really."
She said with her shoulders lump.

"Errmm.. Where you trying to visit anyone?"
Can got curious..

The woman eyed her and spoke.
"I was just trying to visit my son..."
"but I guess he's not home.."
She stated with a tone full of dismay.

Can out of curiousity took his phone..

The woman raised a brow as she got irritated.
She feels like this young man was suddenly being respectful as he ignored her and instead focused on swiping the screen of his phone.

She decided to just leave as she was upset already.

Can on the other hand, browsed Tin's social media account..

His eyes widened..
"Ohh my.. I'm right!"

The woman halted then turned towards Can.
"Pardon me?"

"Hi.. I'm Can.."
Can extended her hand..

"Umm.. Okay Can."
She just looked at Can's extended hand..

"I don't understand how knowing you will help me."
She said sarcastically.

Can smiled..
"It will Auntie."

The woman raised another brow after hearing the word Auntie.

Can dialled Tin's number..
"Hey, Can you come up here, real quick.. the movie isn't gonna start for another hour right.. just come up quick."

Can took the paper bags off the woman's arm and headed towards the unit..

The woman sounded irritated but followed Can..

"Please come in.."
"Have a seat.."
"Tin will come in any minute.."
Can said smiling.

She was dumbfounded..
"How did you know?...."

Tin cut her off..
Tin's voice was filled of glee.

She immediately stood up and approached the newcomer.
"Oh Tin! I missed you!"

The two hugged for a minute then released each other but still locked in a embrace.

"I missed you Tin."
She looked at his son's face.
"My my.."
"You've grown really well."

Tin laughed..
"Well, I'm being fed more than I can ask for Mom."

Tin secretly gazed at Can whose face reddened..
"Why does he feel like Tin's statement means something else?"

The woman suddenly looked at Can..
"I'm sorry and Thank you dear.."
"for helping me with the bags and for letting me meet with my Tin."

Can smiled..
"That's okay Auntie..".

The woman smiled genuinely..

Can thought of his Mom.
The woman in front of her is really different.
Her mom was sophisticated in her own way but, this woman is elegant.. Her aura exumes air of authority.
Now, there is no wondering where Tin inherited not only his looks but his dominance.

The two seated on the sofa while they were catching up and Can prepared some snacks for them.

The old woman then distributed her gifts.
All were clothes and some, were gadgets for Tin.

Can was really happy as Tin was, so he decided to go to the room and excuse himself politely.

He sent an SMS to Tin to postpone their movie so he can spend time with his mom.

Tin replied back and gave his thanks.

Can didn't lock the door so he can still hear the two talk about some people he don't know nor understand.

He then decided to go online and play with his phone.

Can was on the middle of crossing a level when he heard his Tin's mom ask about his dad.

There was silence but Tin spoke in a happy tone after.

"Dad is doing good Mom. He is really happy with Alyssa."

Another silence took place..

"I figured.."
Tin's mom spoke in a trembling voice..
"I sent him a message and he normally respond as soon as he can.. but I haven't heard from him.."
She cleared her throat nervously.

Can stopped his play and listened with intent.
Tin's mom sounded... somehow.. regretful and he is beginning to feel uncomfortable.

He heard Tin spoke in a gentle tone.
"Mom.. Dad is.. really really happy.."
"He maybe just busy at work."
"Would you like me to tell him that you're here?"

The woman answered in a treble.
"He knows I'm here Tin.."

Can felt like Tin was struggling with his answer.
He him pause and paused again as he couldn't finish whatever he wanted to tell his mom about his Dad.

Can stood up and opened the door..
"Ooppss.. I'm sorry to disturb you guys.."
"Auntie, would you like to eat dinner with us?"

The woman looked at Can then smiled..
"That would be great!"
"So.. you really are a good cook Can?"
"Is that's the reason why my Tin is getting more buffer than he already is!"

Can laughed..
"No Aunt.. Actually.. Tin will be cooking.."

Tin's eyes widened at Can...
"Wow.. I can't believe you Cantaloupe."
"You invite my mom to dinner without you sweating your butt off!"

Tin's Mom laughed out loud..

Can was observing Tin's Mom...
and he swore..
He saw her eyes glistened...
with sadness or was it.. something else?

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