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Can sighed..
"I'm glad schools the same."
He said murmuring.

He has been walking down the corridor and students do not seem to mind what happened at the event.

"Maybe some.. but what do I care."
Can said to himself.

It has been a week now since the incident passed.
The only thing that changed is that Tin's fan base grew larger than before.

"Fan base huh?!"
Can said smiling a little.

Someone even created an online page for them with a the name, Boys Love is Real Love.

Can chuckled at the thought.
"Who knew that I would get famous too right?"
He told himself.

"People sometimes can be all paparazzi's."
Can kept talking to himself.

Sandy and him visited the site and they have stolen pictures of them..

Lots of them.

And then, there came some other couples..
Or supposed to be couples or others which they call a "ship" and it's definitely funny because Clay was there too.

"Anyway Clay is an handsome man.."
Can thought.
"And he has been shipped to other Single Professors in the Campus."

"Maybe the world is really accepting now."
Can hummed.

After the event, they planned to talk to Tin's Dad but he suddenly went on a business trip and will be back next weekend..

"We have time to prepare.."
"I have time.."
Can said..
Of course he told Tin that he made up his mind to face his Dad..
But then again..
He can't help but feel uneasy..

"Hey Can."
"Hey Can.."
"Hey Cannnnn.."
People called him out as he passed by.
Some smiled.
Some with no expressions at all but would give him the who are you or aren't you lucky stare.

"Now that is another thing which changed."
Can noticed these past few days.

Before no one cared even if he walks naked at school.
Now, everyone seemed to notice him.

He shrugged his shoulder.
He paved his way to the library when Jacques appeared out of nowhere.

"Heeeeeyyy youuu!"
Jacques face is full of excitement.
"Haven't seen you for days!"
"I missed you!"
He said after.

Can smiled.
"I... you"
He answered.
"You know."
"Same old me.."

Jacques chuckled
"I dont think so!"
He took out his phone, did some swiping then flashed it in front of Can.

Can moved forward to look.

Someone just posted a picture of him walking at the Corridor with a caption..
"Going to see Tin?"

Can washed his face with one palm.
"Not you too?"
He looked at Jacques.

Jacques innocently looked at Can.
"Why not?"
"This is fun.."
"I mean... stalking you.."
"Ha... Ha"
Jacques said devilishly.
"At least, If Im not with you.."
"I know what you're up to right?!.."
"After all.. I've lost to Tin.."
He said with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Jacques.. I.."
Can do not know how to answer him back.

"Just kidding."
Jacques said then put the phone back on his pocket.
"Anyway, where are you headed?"
"Care if i join you?"
"Have you eaten?"
"I'm famished."
"Let's eat?"

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