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Sandy laughed heartily by herself.

Can looked at him blushing.
They were seated at the back of Clay's car and Can already had an idea why the other was having fun.

They passed by a stall selling fruits and veggies by the road then Sandy pointed a Cantaloupe fruit beside the neatly stacked Turnips.

"Darn it Sandy."
Can said red all over...

"What are you laughing at?!",
Clay couldn't help but frowned annoyed at her sister's sudden outburst.

"Would you like me to tell you dear brother?!"
Sandy said then grinned.

Tin snickered then turned his head towards her.

Sandy shut her mouth as she saw Tin's face full of threat.

Clay then suddenly hit the breaks hard as a dog crossed the road out of nowhere.

Sandy hit her face at the back of the passenger seat.

"Ooppsss.. Sorry Sis",
Clay said apologetic.

Tin laughed..
Clay and him who were seated in front were wearing their seat belts on.

Can on the other hand bought a large pillow which was on his lap and that cushioned him from the sudden stop.

Sandy who was laughing her heart out while munching some potato snacks has no harness or whatsoever as she was not expecting any troubles while they were on route to their destination.

"Serves you right.".
Tin said silently winning seeing the others demise.

Sandy annoyingly laughed after hearing Tin.

"Why don't you watch the road Clay?!"
Sandy shouted at his brother.

"Why don't you drive?!"
Clay retorted.

Sandy said in a whisper then crossed both of her arms.

Can smiled.
Sandy and Clay always bickers thus, this is not new to him.

Ever since Sandy was born,
the two were like Cats and Dogs but of course they love each other and he had witnessed that many times.

He still remembered when Sandy and him were being bullied in senior high by one of the so called jocks of the school.

This person was courting Sandy.
She said No to him, countless of times,
but he never listened.

There was one time he nagged her to go out.
Saying it'll only be for one night but they all knew his reputation.

He just collects girls to taste then throw them away afterwards.

Sandy thought, if he would pose as her boyfriend then probably, he would stop.

But she was wrong.

Sandy waited for him to finish his task after school and as she was waiting at the corridor, the guy came then tried to kiss her.

Sandy isn't just the type to sit silent either.
She was so mad that she ended destroying her favorite bag smashing it onto his face.

But being an athlete, he was stronger.
He forced Sandy to the wall and attempted to harass her again.

He then came out and witnessed the scene.

There were only a few students as the classes ended already.

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