Two Sons

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Tin woke up on his side.
The right side of his face burried on his pillow.
He closed his eyes back for a second.
Then opened them back again as soon as he was fully awake.

Can was sleeping also on his side with a spoon position.
Tin gently removed his arm wrapped around Can's waist then gently adjusted himself to sit.

He pinched his nose bridge in between his eyes then yawned.

He stayed in a sitting position for a few minutes and after grabbed his phone laying on the bedside table.

It's nine in the evening.
His body felt stiff from driving.

He started to stretch his arms and shoulders quietly to avoid waking up his small lover.

After, he stood up then walked towards Can's side of the bed.

A smile plastered on his face.
"So cute."
He murmered.
Seeing Can pouting in his sleep.

He feasted his eyes at the lovely sight.
Then gave the sleeping beauty a light peck in the mouth.

They were both exhausted from the trip.

And Can is allowed to sleep as long as he wants.

They played, then fool around earlier and ended up sleeping after they were both exhausted.

He grinned then pointed his phone at Can to take a photo of him sleeping.
He decided to go outside afterwards.

"This resort is really peaceful."
Tin murmured as his mind was shallowing away from any thoughts.

Both of them needed this vacation, not just because they wanted to ran away but rather, they needed time to relax and bond.

There was a bonfire near the shore where people gathered.

One was strumming a guitar, the others were slowly humming a tune unrecognizable to his ear.

The resto bar was still open and two couples were eating inside.

The gentle waves of the beach are unseen because of the dark clouds covering the moon but they were loud enough to be heard.

Tin's right lip tick upwards then decided to order some food at the resto and have it delivered to them.

Can may wake up hungry and they weren't able to prepare anything to eat.

There was a phone inside which he could use to order room service but he wanted to take a walk to refresh his weary muscles and also would not like to disturb Can.

The couple and the two resto attendants on shift immediately looked at Tin upon his arrival.

Tin was just wearing a simple gray shirt, brown shorts and slippers but his white smooth skin was glistening in the faint lighting of the resto bar.

Eyes of admiration slowly followed him until he was able to reach the counter to order.

His expression was flat as he ordered a set of seafood platter, extra rice and soup.

It's already night time so he avoided ordering sodas and settled for fresh squeeze juices instead.

Everything was charged to their room so he didn't bother taking out his cards for payment.

After making sure everything is set. He paced himself back to their room completely ignoring the glances thrown at him.

He sat on one of the chairs in the veranda.

He took out his phone then found himself scrolling through his gallery which was filled with him and Can's memory.

Tin knows pictures are there to remind people that things did happen but he was never the type to hold on to visual or physical memories.

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