Planned Meeting?

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"Hey Babe.."
Tin called out to him while packing.

"Hmmm. yeah?"
Can yawned a little.
He was laying face down the bed while playing on his phone.

They woke up early for breakfast as Tin will be leaving by eight to fetch his mom at the hotel.

Apparently, his mom's bestfriend, whom she hasn't seen for years, owns a resort outside town and wants them to stay there for the weekend.

"Sure, you don't want to come with us?"
Tin asked with pleading eyes.

Can smiled sheepishly.
"I know you want me to, cause you'll miss me"..

Tin interrupted.

Can laughed a little.. Tin knows him too well.
"But.. your mom is not here for long, so take this as an opportunity to spend time together."

Tin was supposed to say another word but Can gave him some rolling eyes.

"Yeah Yeah.."
Tin just nodded, agreeing with his defeat.

Can yawned again.
Tin smiled and zipped his bag after making sure everything is packed.

He approached Can then sat at the edge of the bed.

Can rolled himself lazily towards Tin then laid his head on his thigh.

He looked at Tin then raised his hand to touch his face.

Tin looked down at Can and kissed his palm.

"I love you Cantaloupe."
Tin gently spoke.

Can smiled..
"I know babe.."
"And know, that..  I will miss you.."

Tin smiled.
"Then come with us?!"

Can crunched his forehead.

Tin laughed..
"I know.. I know.."
He then gently massaged Can's temple.

Can stared at his lover's eyes possesively.
"Don't look at girls.. while you are there.."

Tin grinned.
"Well if you come with us then my eyes will only be fixated on you."

Can pinched Tin's nose hard.
"So are you implying that you are free to look around since I am not there?!"

Tin lauged aloud.
He removed Can's fingers on his nose then held his hand, their fingers entertwined.
"Know that, I'm yours Can.. No one can ever compare to you."

"So damn cheesy."
Can bursted out with a giggle.

Tin laughed.
"I'm happy I could still thrill you babe."

"Ohhhh Tin.."
"You just don't thrill me.. you also enthrall me with your innate charm.."
Can said with lustful eyes.

Tin smiled then moved his head downwards to kiss Can's forehead..

Can closed his eyes as he feels Tin's lips slowly moving towards his.

They kissed in a slow rhythm as both wishes that time would stop so they can devour each other's mouth till both of their lips are numb.

They intended to catch up in advance for the next two days that they will be missing each other.

The phone rang which they ignored, not letting the continuous electronic sound hush the melodious music made by their smacking lips.

Can grabbed Tin's head on an aggressive pull.
He opened his mouth wide and invited Tin's tongue inside.

Tin invaded Can like his life depended on it.
Their fluid mingled and each took their turns in swallowing the richness of their mouth's juices.

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