True Color

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Tin took a deep breath.
"This is nonsense", he murmured.

Can heard Tin.
He knows his lover is getting irritated already.

He opened his mouth then spoke in a mild but serious tone.

"They don't have to drink to prove anything Sam."
"Not to anyone and most of all, not to y..."
Tin was cut off by Can's sudden grip on his arm.
"No Babe."
He whispered to Tin.
"This is my battle."

Tin smiled flatly.
"There is no war my love.."
"I was yours to begin with."
Tin gently landed a kiss on Can's ear.
Not a care in the world whomever witnesses it.

Can smiled sweetly at Tin then looked at Sam with a straight face.
"What have I ever done to you Sam?"

Sam snickered.
"Oh please."
"That's an easy answer Can."
"You're actually doing it now."

Can formed a frown on his forehead.
"And that is?"

Sam pointed her hand at them.
"This is.."
"Look at you two."
"You're only supposed to be Tin's stepbrother.. right?!"
"And yet..."
"You act like...."

"Act like what?"
Can asked back.
"How about you?"
"What are you to Tin?!"

Sam was taken a back but her face became furious.

Sandy laughed out of nowhere then spoked her words.
Ha.. ha.. ha.. ha...
"Come on Sam."
"Quit it"
"Tin isn't yours."
"He never was."
"Action speaks louder than words."
"And Tin was really transparent with both."

Sam looked agressively at Sandy.
"Why are you always meddling Sandy?"
"Are you their spokesperson?"
"Don't tell me, you knew everything all along?"

The crowd they didn't even noticed forming were making murmuring sounds.

Sam looked at the people behind.
It's mostly people who know her.
Of course, she is after all popular.

She looked at them then looked at the three.
"Look guys."
"Tin's stepbrother likes him more than being brotherly and his bestfriend, this girl!"
She pointed at Sandy.
"Is a bad influence as she helped Can seduced Tin."

Sandy's jaw dropped.

She looked at Can then Sam.
"Why am I the criminal now?!"
She asked herself.

The crowd started to murmur in awe of what they have heard.

"Gossip much?!"
"Mind your own business, people."
"Other people's lives is not for you to enjoy."
Sandy shouted at the crowd as she was starting to get pissed.

"I do not know you that much but I can't believe you for being such a liar Sam."
Can said in an icy tone.
"A person whose emotions gets easily influenced by others are those who will only believe what you say right now."
"You Sam.. You are the bad influence."

Sam sucked her breath deep.
She looked at the crowd.
She exclaimed.
"Who would you believe guys?"
"Me? whose life was an open book?"
"Me? who has been good to everyone and always brings honor to this school?"
"Him? who was invisible in this school until Tin came along?"

"Okay, okay"
Sam held both her hands in front of her.
"Why don't we just have a competition.."
"Right guys?"
"Let's not involved alcohol."
"I was wrong there."
"Let's just compete to see whose telling the truth."

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