It Is What It Is

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Tin parked the car near the driveway and they both headed out.

Tin's mind was still filled with thoughts about Can trying to top him when he heard voices approaching.

"There they are!" Alyssa said booming with joy and pride.

"Our sons are here!" She said looking back where she came from and three middle aged person came out from the garden which was located on the side of the big house.

Alyssa immediately embraced the two and kissed their cheeks.

She then went back to Can not wanting to let him go.

"Mommmm. Stop it!" Can was blushing hard as he feels like his mom was embracing a six year old him. She was showering her with small kisses on each of his cheeks.

"Honey, I just missed you!" Alyssa said cheerfully.

The three other approached them with smiles plastered on their faces.

Devon embraced Tin tightly and then patted Can's shoulder, unable to hug him as Alyssa was still clinging onto him.

Tin smiled at his Mom, she approached him then gave him a light embrace and peck on the cheek.

"You both know Bren, Honey." He looked at Can and Tin.

The two nodded smiling.

Bren and Tin shook hands and exchanged pleasantries.

Tin adored the man as he seemed madly in love with his mom. He also didn't have a hard time getting along with him as he was down to earth and nice.

Alyssa finally let go of his son giving a chance for Tin's mom to greet him.

"Aunt." Can started.

"Come on honey! Don't call me Aunt! Call me mom! You're my son too you know!" She winked at him.

Can blushed hard.

"Oh Alyssa, Can is just so adorable." She said then pulled Can in an embrace.

"I know right!" Alyssa was indeed a proud mom.

"Come on! We're having barbecue outside!" Devon called them, happiness emanating from his face.

They proceeded to walk ahead.

Bren and Devon.

Alyssa and Can.

Tin and his Mom.

"Baby, We're gonna have barbecue outside. Will you be comfortable with your outfit?" Alyssa asked as she couldn't help but notice his son overdressed for the occasion.

Can's face reddened hard. He looked at the other people aside from him.

They were actually just wearing simple outdoor clothing.

Even Tin was just wearing a simple shirt and shorts.

But he on the other hand, was wearing a turtle neck and pants.

"It will really get hot once we start, Baby. Would you like me to get you some clothes to change into? You still have shirts and shorts upstairs" Alyssa offered.

"No!" Can suddenly shouted then paused as he was overreacting but he couldn't pull back with his reaction as it caught the others attention.

The others looked at them, Devon who went ahead with Bren earlier, rushed towards where Alyssa and Can was standing.

"What's wrong Can? Honey?" He asked with concern.

Tin and His Mom, also walked towards them.

"What's happening?!" Tin's mom was baffled.

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