Like Before

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Tin woke up after hearing the doorbell.

He muttered.
He blinked his eyes while lazily stretching his arms up.
He let out a sigh.

He waited for a minute until he was completely awake.

Then gently went down the bed to avoid bothering the sleeping Cantaloupe.

He smiled.
"People say make up sex was the best.."
"And they were not wrong.."
He stated looking at his exhausted lover who was fast asleep in the bed.

They made love the whole night.
He went down a little then kissed his lover's cheek.
A grin formed on his lips as he saw the reddish marks on Can's smooth white skin..

He couldn't help himself last night..
He bit, sucked and devoured Can..
Until he heard him beg to stop..

Tin's face flushed.
He could feel himself harden with his thoughts.

He cursed.
As he knows he needed to answer the fucking door first.

He wore his boxers and shirt then went outside the room to check who is the person cranking up their morning.

He opened the door.
His mood went sour as outside stood Jacques.

Tin frowned.
"What a nice way to ruin the day."
He said but only in his mind.

"What do you want?"
He asked in a flat tone

Jacques looked passed Tin then asked,
"Good Morning to you too."
He greeted Tin with a fake smile.

"I'm here for Can."
"Where is he?"
His eyes were not looking at Tin but were roaming inside the unit.

Tin moved a step to block his view.

Making head align face to face.
"Why are you looking for Can?"
"Don't you know what time it is?"

Jacques looked at Tin.
"I know, that's the reason why I came."
"And why do you care if I look for Can?"
"Do you prefer me to look for you instead?"
He asked half grinning seeing Tin's irritation.

Tin challenged his stare.
"I care.."
"A lot.. because Can.. is mine."

Jacques chuckled.
"How can one possibly own someone?!"
"Can owns himself."

Tin smirked.
"Why don't you ask Can who he  belongs to?"

Jacques became serious.
"Then let me talk to him."
"Let me ask him directly."

Tin imitated Jacques expression.
"He's sleeping in our bed.."

He grinned after pausing..

Jacques face darkened after realizing the hidden meaning beneath Tin's words.
"Why in the hell are you saying things intended only for lovers?"
"Aren't you Can's brother?"

Tin answered with a smirk.

Jacques asked again his teeth gritting with annoyance.
"What is it really.. your relationship with Can?"

"So curious eh.."
Tin gave his most sweetest smile now.

"Are you doing things to Can.. you're not supposed to?"
Jacques asked angrily.

Tin laughed hysterically.
"I will never do things that Can would never approve of. So mind your own business."
He threatened Jacques to leave Can alone.

"So are you saying that you.. Can's"
Jacques was cut off by Tin.

Tin hissed.

"We are not related by blood."
"And, Can is..."
"He's  mine..."
"So back off."
Tin said seriously.

Jacques sighed with a face full of disbelief.
"And both your parents are okay with this.."
"this set up you have?"

"I don't owe you any explanation."
Tin answered Jacques.

"I just need to check if he is okay."
Jacques said in a flat tone.

Tin chuckled.
"Why would you think Can is not okay?"

Jacques grinned.
"You don't seem trustworthy to me. That's why."
He said directly.

Tin grinned back.
"You're opinion does not matter."
"I'm the last person who would hurt Can.."
He said while his teeth are gritting.

Jacques laughed then raised his brow.
"Well, seeing Can miserable as he was last night made me doubt that."
"You seem unable to control your emotions."

Tin sighed.
"I don't need to prove anything to a stranger."
"Don't bother Can moving forward."
He was  about to close the door but Jacques blocked it.
He took out something from his pocket.
"Please give this to Can."

Tin looked at Can's phone..
He grabbed it from his rival's hand.

"I'm not here to fight, alright.."
Jacques said...

"At least.. not here.."
He added then turned around..

Tin looked at his opponents back with anger.
"That moron.."
"What does he mean by that?"
He whispered..

"Who were you talking to Tin?"
Can asked sleepily..
He woke up a little earlier then  went outside as he didn't see Tin beside him..

Tin closed the door..
He placed the phone on the table then approached Can.

His little man was rubbing his left eye partnered with a gentle yawn.
"It's  no one Can.."
"Just a cockroach.."

Cans sleepy eyes widened.
"There's a cockroach?!"
"We need to report it to the building maintenance then?!"
He  exclaimed..

Tin laughed.
"Well, that's a good idea Can.."
"Maybe they can help in extinguishing the pest in the building.."

He held Can in an embrace.
"How was your sleep?"

Can embraced him back..
He pouted..
"I'm still sleepy but when I woke up.. you weren't there.."

Tin smiled.
"I just needed to kill the cockroach."
"I don't want it to take you away from me."

Can smiled disgustingly.
"A cockroach will take me away?"
"That will never happen!"
"Besides no one can take me away from you.."

Tin smiled.
He pulled Can's face towards his then locked his lips in a deep kiss.

Can reciprocated the tallers man morning greeting.

They kiss pervidly as they embraced for a few minutes when Can's stomach growled..

Tin laughed out load..
"Nothing changed much babe.."
"Your stomach growl is still the loudest.."

Can blushed hard..

"It seems like the cockroaches are already in your stomach now.."
Tin said jokingly.

Can pinched his lover in the waist..
"That's gross Tin!"

Both of them laughed..

"Come on.."
"Let's make breakfast.."
Tin said his eyes glistening with happiness.

"Just like before?"
Can asked while smiling sweetly.

"Yup babe.."
Tin said then pulled his lover by the waist.
"Just like before.."
He murmered..

They went to the kitchen then started their breakfast.

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