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The two stood silent while gazing at the view.
After the moment they had earlier,
awkwardness fell between them..

They keep avoiding each other's eyes.

"Damn Tin, you were never like this."
Tin scolded himself.

Can was also feeling silly..
"Is it normal to feel something like this?"
"Maybe, it's because they just met and they were to be bounded as brother's forever?"
"But.. it doesn't make any sense."

Tin broke the silence.
"So, umm.. Who is Sandy?"

"Damn.. wrong question Tin"
Tin said to himself.
They just met and it would be inappropriate to ask personal questions like this.

Can seemed to have lost his tongue..
He was surprised to hear his step brother's question.
Maybe he just really wanted to know things about him right.

"She's my best friend.."
"She couldn't come, family emergency"
Can answered honestly.

Can wanted to reprimand himself..
"Why does he feel like he needs to be cautious in telling Tin things about himself?"

Tin gave a sigh of relief..
"Damn.. what was that for?!"
He asked himself again.

"That's unfortunate.."
Tin briefly answered.

Then they became silent again..

"How..." Can said but stopped.
"Are you.." Tin said but stopped.

Both of them spoke again at the same time..

Tin just laughed out loud...
Can laughed too..

"Tin has a very contagious personality".
Can thought to himself.

"We have been doing that since earlier.."
"You go ahead first."

Tin said then looked at Can and smiled.

"I just wanted to ask how your flight was.."
"and urmm, thanks for catching me earlier.."
Can said shyly.

Tin smiled..
"Can is so cute."
screamed his mind.

"Well, it was tiring.."
"It got delayed and I had to wait for a few more hours.."
"Were you hurt?"
Tin Remembering his fall earlier.

"No.. No.."
"You just came right on time.."
Can smiled..

Tin then out of nowhere extended his hand then pinched his step brother's cheek..

Can was startled and instinctively held unto Tin's hand to remove it.

The two were shocked again..
As they felt a sudden bolt of electricity crashed thru their skins.

Can then immediately withdrew himself from where he was standing..
"Are you the flash?"
"Why do we keep on having this spark when we touch?"
Remembering how Barry Allen was after being in coma for nine months.

Tin laughed out loud.
"God, you're hilarious Cantaloupe.."

"Well, You're on point,"
"That is the same question that I have in mind.."
Tin stated seriously...

"If you are the flassshhh?!"
Can asked innocently.

Tin again, laughed out loud.

He then came near Can who is slowly backing away from him but he was able to corner him when the latter had nowhere to go...

He raised his left hand to cage his stepbrother and pinned his palm to the wall.

The other hand he used to hold Can's cheek.

"I just don't know why we have this electricity between us.. but we have many days ahead.. to find out.."
Tin's face was inch away from Can's..

Can swallowed hard..

Tin smiled upon seeing his step brother's adams apple moved..

He then brushed his finger towards Can's nose area..

"What are you doing?"
Can asked stammering..

Tin just smiled fondly at his step brother..
"I think, I'm gonna enjoy every moment I'll have with you dear step brother.."

Can's eyes widened..
His heart started to beat so fast that it almost wanted to burst out..

"You're too close Tin.."
"It's making me hard to breathe."
Can said but wanted to slap himself after.
It feels like he was admitting he was affected after all.

Tin grinned..
"You are making me hard to breathe Cantaloupe.."
"I just don't know why I'm feeling this way, yet this is the first time we met each other.."

Can felt his face blushed..
"Me too, I feel the same way.."
Then he covered his mouth with one hand..
His eyes widened..

Tin smirked..
"What did you say?"

Can pushed Tin then ran away.

"Hey Cantaloupe",
Tin shouted.
"Did I hear you correctly?"

Can looked back..
"I didn't say anything Tin."
"Let's go back, they are already looking for us."

Tin sighed..
"Damn.. he needs to go to the bathroom.. fast.."

Can rushed to the second floor.
There are few guests there so he went inside on one of the rooms and sat down on the bed.

His heart was beating too fast than normal.
"Is this even possible?"
"To feel something for someone at first sight?"
"at first touch?"
"much more, with a man?"
"worst.. his step brother?"

Can covered his face with his palms.
The the door opened and he looked up.

Tin entered the room.
"Oh.. I didn't know you were here Can."

Tin's brows furrowed after seeing Can's confused face. His eyes were red and he got worried.

"Are you okay?"
Tin asked the smaller man.

Can just kept on looking at him.
Then he stood up..
"I have never felt anything like this before Tin."
"I have never even been in any kinds of relationship."
"This is too weird and fast for me.."
Can spoke trying hard to be strong.

Tin was stuck in awe..
He wanted to tell Cantaloupe that the feeling was mutual.. That he feels it too.

He knows what it's called..
He wanted to tell Can that it was attraction..
But he didn't want to say it out loud.

Can then stopped in front of Tin who was standing beside the door..

"Let's stop this before it gets worst."
"You and I, are step brothers."
"You and I, are both guys."
"I don't like this feeling Tin.."
"I'm sorry"
Can said his eyes tearing up.

Tin smiled sadly..
He then lifted his hand and patted the smaller man's head.
"I didn't know that this is burdenning you already Cantaloupe."
"And I appreciate your being straightforward."
"Don't worry.."
"You and I will be nothing more than step brothers."

Can felt like a dagger hit his chest after hearing Tin's last sentence.

Tin then smiled at him and went outside..

Can was left in the room..
Tears started to swell in his eyes..

"Can they really make this step brother thing work?"

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