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A week has passed since that incident.
Can has been busy with school and he was thankful as he spent less time at home where Tin was staying.

They didn't share the room as originally planned,
the other insisted on staying at the couch in the living room.

Can wakes up early as usual making sure the other is still asleep when he leaves for school.

They haven't really talked much since then..

It's almost the end of the semester and what worries Can is that he will have to spend his vacation at home and that means there will be more of those awkward encounters he and Tin has been having these past few days.

Tin will be enrolling at the start of the next semester, he sometimes goes out by himself and takes a drive around the city for familiarity.

Which in reality he didn't have to, thanks to technology, navigation applications were invented.

But driving, relaxes him.

Not once he followed Cantaloupe to school as the other declined to be dropped off there saying it was just a few minutes away.

Tin has been having a hard time sleeping so once he hears Can close the door in the living room, he follows him.

He pretends he is a heavy sleeper so Can won't know he tails him every morning.

Because he knows Can leaves early just to avoid him.

So he decided to follow him one time..

Can never lies and that is what Tin likes about the smaller man.

It did really took him fifteen minutes to go to school.. That is, if you walk which Can has been doing everyday for the past week.

Tin sighed..
He can see Can's back drenched in sweat and if he continues to do this he will get sick in no time..

And he was not wrong..

Tin tossed and turned in the sofa..
Trying hard to ignore the sound but he couldn't..
So he decided to stand up and knock..

Tin looked at the wall clock.
It's two in the morning.
And Can seemed to have troubles sleeping.
He can hear him coughing nonstop inside the room.

Tin knocked twice..

Can answered then coughed.

"Are you okay?!"
Tin asked the other..

"Sorry.. Did I wake you up?"
Can asked hoarsely..

"No.. I'm just checking up on you.."
Tin said gently.

"I'm fine.."
"Good night."
Can said in a final tone.

Tin sighed and rested his forehead on the door..

This will be another sleepless night.. or day..
Tin said to himself..

Can is definitely stubborn as Alyssa said.
Alyssa kept calling him as Can is not answering his phone but she was not worried at all, saying Can has this habit of just texting after ten miscalls.

She just wanted to know if they were doing fine..
He assured her that she has nothing to worry about and asked if he can packed her things for her so he can use the other room.

Alyssa was embarrassed at first thinking that it would be a bother on his end but he has nothing to do at home so she agreed..

So while Can is not around, he is slowly packing her things up to send to his father's house.

He can still hear Can coughing inside the room and he is definitely worried as hell.

He then remembered the keys his father gave him..
Those weren't just keys to their house but also to Alyssa's unit..

Maybe he has a key there for Can's room.

He took the keys out and one by one used them and one of the keys did work..

He slowly opened the door and it was dim.
There was a lava lamp beside the window that gives a relaxing ambience to the small man's room.

His eyes focused on the bed and he can see him covered by a thick blanket even if the Air conditioner was turned off.

It was stuffy inside the room.

Can was lying on his side his back in front of him.

He slowly approached the small man..

He called and reached for his forehead..
"You're burning up"

Can opened his eyes..
"Tin, how did you.."
He wasn't able to finish as he coughed again..

Tin went outside and rummaged the cupboards.
He saw a medicine kit and took out a pitcher and a glass.

He rushed inside the room and Can is unmoving.

"Hey... wake up Can.."
He gently tap his cheek.

"I'm fine.. sorry to bother you Tin.."
"I just need to sleep more then I'll be fine in the morning.."
Can said trying to hide the pain..

Tin frowned..
"It's morning already Cantaloupe..."
"Drink this and sleep some more after."

Can looked at Tin's hand and saw the cold medicine.
He dispises medicines.
"Just leave me alone Tin."
"I told you. I'll be fine.."

Tin scooped his back using one arm..
Then sat beside the smaller man.

"What are you doing?!"
"Back off Tin. Leave me alone!"
Can struggled then tried to push Tin..

Tin got irritated..
"Stop struggling."
"Just drink this then I'll go outside I promise.."

But Can didn't listen.
He swoved Tin away using both hands..
He pushed and clawed him.

Tin lost balance then fell to the floor.

"Get out Tin!"
Can yelled angrily.

"Fuck, you asked for this.." Tin said.

He opened the medicine and put it in his mouth.

He then went to the struggling little guy pinned both of his hands up using his own..

Then Tin captured Can's mouth using his own..

Can's eye widened.

Tin is a strong man and he tried to be gentle with Can.. but he had it..

He then pushed the medicine inside Can's mouth using his tongue..

Then he held both of Can's hands using his left palm then reached the glass on the side table using his right.

Put enough water in his mouth then captured Can's mouth again and passed the water inside..

Making Can gulp every drop or else he'll drown himself if he won't..

"This is not an easy one.." Tin thought..
He has bruises and scratches, indeed Can is an untamed cat.

Can then turned his head on his side.

Tin swore he can see tears forming in Can's eyes before he closed them..

Tin loosened his grip.

"I'm sorry Cantaloupe."
Tin said then stood up and went outside the room.

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