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"Stop sulking Can.."
Sandy sat beside Can who was seated at the rug below the bed.

Can looked pitiful as his eyes where swollen from crying and Sandy couldn't help but partly blame herself.

"Would you like me to talk to Tin?"
She asked then patted Can's head.

Can looked at Sandy then shook his head from left to right.

After he and Tin talked, he immediately packed some clothes to go to Clay and Sandy's house.

"I'm really ashamed of myself right now Sands,"
"I do not know how to face him."
His puppy face started to show signs of tears.

Sandy sighed.
"I know Can.."
"but, hiding from Tin wouldn't solve anything."
"Besides, Tin is not a unreasonable."
"You haven't even tried to call him since yesterday. Worst is, you even turned your phone off.."
"You'll just make him worry."
She said then looked at Can.

She took her phone to check the time.
"I think it's better for you to go home Can.."
"Tin will go crazy if you are not there when he goes home tomorrow."

She stood up then tried to drag Can upwards with her..
"Come onn.. Cannnn!"

Can was shaking his head not wanting to stand then added pressure to his weight so Sandy could not pull him from his position.

"Oh my gosh..."
"What has Tin been feeding you Can?!"
"You gained some weight.."
Sandy exerting all efforts to make him stand.

Can grabbed the edge of the bed frame then held into it like his life depended on it.

The door opened.

Clay raised his left brow upon seeing the two.
"Are you playing tug of war?"
He asked.

"Brother, Can is giving me a hard time.."
Sandy suddenly released Can.

Can who was unprepared for the sudden release lost control of his reflex making his back hit the wooden bedframe.

Can felt the stinging on his muscles.

"Oh shit.."
Sandy exclaimed while rushing to pull Can to sit properly.

Clay also suprised rushed over.

"Are you okay Can?"
He worriedly ask.

Can wanted to laugh.
Should I be worried of any physical pain right now?
He thought to himself.
"Yeah... I'm fine..."
He answered the two.

The siblings helped him to stand.

Clay then took his backpack.

Can eyes widened as he knew he will be kicked out.
"Clay... what... why.."

Clay interrupted him.
"Tin is waiting outside."

Can was suprised.
"Why is he already here?"
"What about his mom?!"

"Should you be really asking that Can?!"
"You should have turned your phone on."
Clay showed a little irritation.

Sandy just sighed..
"I told you Can.."

Can's eyes widened.
"Now I made Tin spend less time with his mother."
He scolded himself.

"I.. I'm reall..y not ready to see him Clay.."
He said while stammering.

"No Can..."
"You will speak with Tin and settle your issues.."
"Please leave me and my sister out of this, okay."
Clay said in a serious tone.
"You are both matured enough to handle this mess."

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