Such a Klutz

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Can sat down the chair outside the convenience store.
Opened his first can of soda then munched off the dried seafood.

"Guess, I'm really hungry."
He said suprised as he has the appetite.
He bought two unhealthy cans of soda.
One box of cookies and the dried seafood.

He looked up and there were only a few stars twinkling above.

A paper bag dropped in front of him.

Then Jacques sat across the small round table.

"Mind if I join you Can?"
He asked smiling.

Can shook his head.

"Is that a Yes or a No?"
Jacques asked curiously.

"Isn't it obvious?"
Can answered..

Jacques just shrugged his shoulders..

Can sighed.
"It's a Yes.."
"The place is not mine."

Jacques laughed.
"Well.. That's not so hard.. right?"

Can looked at him with questioning eyes.
"What's not hard?"

Jacques smiled.
Took out the contents of his paper bag.

"What do you mean by this?"
Can now is frowning.

Jacques laughed again..
"I mean you.."
"Speaking to me.."
"Answering my questions."

Can sighed..
Then took a big bite of his snack.

Jacques took a bite of his nuggets.
Then emptied his paper bag.

"Are you planning to get drunk?"
Can asked him after he took out three cans of beer.

He grinned.
"It will take me a lot more to pass out.."
"Don't worry."

Can choked..
"Why should I worry?!"
"I don't care even if you bathe in alcohol.."

Jacques chuckled..

He opened one can then drank it..
He even made a satisfied sound after drinking it..

"Want some?"
Jacques offered.
"It's refreshing.."

Can declined..
"I don't drink..."

He remembered one time he and Sandy tried to drink beer.. He didn't even finished it but he passed out..
After that, he never drank again.

"Oh... sorry.."
Jacques said tapping his fingers on the can.
"You know.."
"This helps me sleep.."
"I wasn't allowed to drink since I was always on training.."
"But ever since I had that accident.."
"I was able to do everything I wanted."
"Including this."
Jacques lifted the can then drank it.

"Yeah.. I read about the accident."
"Hmmm, are you okay now?"
Can asked awkwardly..
He is really not good with conversations
but felt like Jacques needed someone to talk to.

"I'm alright.."
"It's just that I do not know"
"wether, I should be thankful or not..."
"That I had that accident.."
He said with cloudy eyes.

Can abruptly looked at Jacques.
"What are you saying?"
"Don't you want to live?"

Jacques laughed..
"Of course I do!"
"Who doesn't right?"

Can frowned as he is beginning to feel stupid whenever this guy is around.

Jacques paused then got serious.
"I always get lonely in a crowd.. Can."
"But people believes that I like it.."
"Maybe I made them believe that I like it."
He then stared at Can.
"I am always following rules.."
"I'm always being told what to do.."

Can saw bitterness appear in Jacques eyes as he spoke.
"Have you ever had that feeling Can..?!"
"Like.. you wanted to have the time..."
"to think about what you really wanted"
"but things aren't just going your way?"

Jacques finished his first can then opened another one.
"I just want to live a normal University life.."
"Like other's students.. Like you.. Can.."
"Everything in my life is regulated."
"I'm an athlete but I don't feel like it anymore because of the spotlight they put me in."
"I'm not even free to love."

He sighed then continued as Can listened..
"People and their expectations.."
"Images and Reputations.."
"Why do they always have to matter?"

Can looked down the table..
He couldn't help it but his eyes became misty..

He suddenly remembered Tin..
"Did I make Tin feel this way too?"
"Did I worry more about other people than our relationship?"

Can felt a lump on his throat.

Even if he feels like he was being unconsciously scolded by Jacques on some aspects, he couldn't help but feel the hurt Jacques is going through.

Jacques looked at Can worriedly.
"I'm sorry for my outburst.."
"I just don't know why i felt comfortable telling you all this.."
"Did I make you cry?"

Can blinked his eyes to fight the tears..
"No wayyy... why should I?"
He said snapping at him.

Jacques showed a fake hurt expression.
"Awwwwww.. that hurts."
"Guess, I was not able to gain your sympathy at all."

Can didn't answer..

He looked up..

Their eyes met..

"Do you know you have expressive eyes Can?"
Jacques blurted out.
"I can easily read what's on your mind right now."

"Then you already know that I did hear everything you have said earlier?"
Can asked with a faint smile.

Jacques smiled back..
"And I appreciate you listening.."
"I think it's my time now to say..."
"Thank you Can.."

He then grabbed his can of beer.
Then drank it straight..

Silence took place as both of them were just eyeing the stars..

"You seem to love junkfoods?"
Jacques couldn't help but notice what he was eating.

Can blushed..
"I'm not fond of cooking."
"So I just buy anything I want to eat.."

Jacques chuckled then gave Can a wink.
"I love to cook.."
"I was forced to learn actually."
"May I invite you next time for dinner, Can?"

Can swallowed hard and felt his throat became dry..
"Is this guy just nice or is he flirting with me?"
Can asked in his mind.

Can grabbed his can of soda then flipped open the lock.

"Whooooahh... Heyyy Cannn"
He can hear Jacques voice..
"I thought you dont..."

But Can didn't care as he drank the can bottoms up..
It was cold and refreshing..
"But, Why is it bitter?
Can asked then looked at the drink in his hand.
"I drankkk...."

"You drank my beer tiny waist."
Jacques worried face appeared in front of Can..
"You said you don't drink?"

Can laughed at his clumsiness..
"Gosh.. I'm feeling lightheaded.."
He said holding his forehead..

Jacques said gently lifting Can from the chair..
"I'll take you to your unit.."

Can said..
"You'll know where I live.."

"I already know where you live tiny waist."
"We're neighbors.."
"I just need your unit number."
Jacques said with amusement.

But Can is no longer moving..

Jacques laughed..
"What a klutz.."

He piggybacked Can on his back.

Left the snacks on the table then proceeded inside the tower.

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