A Family At Last

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Can ended up changing after all the embarrassment he and Tin have subjected themselves into. He was still uncomfortable so he decided to cover his neck with the scarf his mother lent him.

He was waiting for his mother who was finishing a call inside the room so they can come back to the garden together. He walked over to the glass window which was facing the garden then looked down below. He can see Devon and Bren busy conversing while holding a bottle of drinks on each hands.

Tin and his mom were the one's on the grilling area.

Tin was flipping the meat and veggies while his mom was brushing them with sauces.

Can couldn't help but release a contented smile.

"I can't believe that I have this family now, He told himself. Before it was just me and mom and now, I have everyone and I couldn't ask for anything else."

He raised one hand then touched the glass window where Tin was standing.

"Thank you Tin. Thank you for making my life complete." Can whispered.

"Can? sorry babe, You ready?" Alyssa asked after finishing her phone call.

Can nodded in response, His mom reached out her hand while smiling.

"Have I ever thanked you Mom?" Can asked.

"What for Baby?" Alyssa asked.

"For letting me out into the world, Mom," Can smiled sweetly. "It's just so wonderful."

His mom was touched and made an "Oh" sound.

Can grabbed his mom's hand and they descended downstairs holding hands.

"I don't care Mom." Tin said frowning. His mom was telling him about Samantha. She apparently left and decided to continue her studies abroad.

His mom laugh, "I know that Tin. I'm just telling you this so that you would know that you and Can have nothing to worry about."

"Even if she's here, there is nothing to worry about." Tin said remembering the chaos Samantha ignited in their relationship. In the end, it back fired at her and ruined her reputation.

"She's really ashamed of what she did Honey, she wanted to personally apologize to you both, but I know you wouldn't want to see her, I was also so angry after finding out, how could she send those photos to your father." His mom still not getting over Sam.

"So you knew it was her?" Tin asked. He didn't bother checking whom it was as he didn't really care anymore. Everything is all good now and taking revenge was not really his thing. He was surprised that his mom did her own investigation.

"I was dumbfounded when her mom told me that she was wanting to know your Dad's Office location and number, so I had my suspicion." His mom told him the story. "It's kind of sad. How did she became like that? I also thought she was a sweet innocent girl. I would like to understand her situation but it involves you kids, so I had a long talk with her mom and that's when she decided to send her elsewhere."

Tin felt a little bothered about her mom's friendship being affected, "I'm sorry mom." He gently pulled his mom's back and embraced her.

She chuckled. "Why honey?" She then patted Tin's head. "It's not your fault."

"Are you and Sam's mom okay?" Tin asked worrying.

She smiled, "Of Course. We're both adults with kids. We know what to do especially when it comes to choosing what's best for you."

Tin smiled, his heart has been filled with so much gratitude these past dew days. Looking back in the past, he didn't have this close relationship with his parents. Having Can in his life may have been the missing piece he was looking for. He didn't just found his partner forever, but he also felt at peace knowing that his parents were both finally happy and Alyssa and Can somehow, were the main reason they were gathered here like this.

"Here we are!" Alyssa said, she was always joyful, but her heart was definitely beaming outside her sleeve at this moment.

Tin asked his mom to take a sit and rest as the sous chef arrived already.

Can immediately rushed towards Tin smiling happily.

Alyssa and Tin's mom joined their partner's table and proceeded with the grown up talk.

Tin smiled back at Can.

"Happy?" Tin asked.

"Uhummm." Can nodded.

Tin gave Can the brush his mom was using earlier then instructed him to scatter the sauce on the new meat he just put in.

"Uhmmm Tin.." Can called after.

"Yeah?" Tin asked busy putting the cooked meat on the serving plate.

"About me topping you." Can was whispering.

Tin's eyes widened. He lowered his head and lend his ear to Can.

"I was just joking." Can said whispering.
"Were you bothered?" Can wanted to know even if he knew the answer already.

Tin smiled then nodded. "I was nervous." He whispered back.

Can gave a soft laugh. "You deserve that as a punishment."

"I know, I learned my lesson babe. I'll make sure to mark you hard during winter, when we are at home for a long time and somewhere hidden that no one can see, only me." Tin said grinning naughtily.

Can pinched his waist.

"I love you Tin." He said still whispering.

"I love you too, Cantaloupe." Tin answered back sweetly.

"Let's be forever like this?" Can whispered.

Tin nodded then grabbed Can's waist softly planting a kiss on his forehead.

"Oh you kids, stop it with your PDA and cook, we're hungry!" Devon shouted interrupting the two.

"Once you graduate, you two get married! I'm still an old fashioned man after all."

The grown ups laughed hard.

Tin and Can looked back at their parents smiling.

"Then can we get married now?"

They both said in unison.

Tin and Can looked at each other then laughed.

Devon stood up, "Graduate first then, we'll let you get married. Your honeymoon stops right now, no more honeymoon until you graduate and you get married alright? Is that a deal?!"

Tin and Can looked at their Dad.

"Aye Aye Father!" They said in unison again.

Laughter's resonated in the light of the night.

The two knows that they have a bright future ahead of them.

They have loving parents and friends.

Plus, they have each other.

The End.

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