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"So the family drama is over then?" Sandy asked while busy rummaging the bag of souvenir Can and Tin bought from their vacation.

"Yes! I actually talked to Uncle Devon and he seems great!"

"I'm so glad, everything is okay now."

Can said then laid in Sandy's bed face down, he put his palms on his cheeks after for support as he decided to watch Sandy do her treasure hunt.

Sandy was seated on the carpet below her bed, she was inspecting the goodies one by one and separating what she likes, those she doesn't like, she planned to give to her brother.

Tin dropped him off at Sandy's place as he will need to renew his driver's license.

"So, what's your next plan? Get married?", Sandy asked out of nowhere.

Can taken a back but blushed.

"Maybe, but not now, we still haven't graduated yet."

"Then get pregnant already! So you can get married early!", She said opening a pack of cookies.

"These are mine." She said putting aside a big pile on one side.

"And, these are Clay's", she said placing three packs of goodies on the bag.

Can ignoring the pregnant nonsense Sandy mentioned then laughed, "Why don't you just take everything and not give Clay anything?"

Sandy smiled. "That's why I love you Can, You always give me brilliant ideas!"

Can just shook his head after. He rolled over to lay himself properly on the bed.

He can see Sandy going out of the room on his peripheral vision, after a few minutes she came back with a pack of marshmallow. She threw it on the bed beside Can after.

"Nice." Can said then sat down, tearing the plastic casing.

He picked a handful then shoved it in his mouth.

"How was your vacation?", Sandy asked sitting beside him also eating her cookies.

"It was great!" Can answered while his eyes glistened.

"And, how many times did you and Tin do it?" Sandy asked straight forward.

Can almost choked on his mallows. "Haven't you had enough with the lewdness? Why are you asking me that?!"

"Come on Can, I'm you bestfriend right? Give me inspiration!", Sandy answered with pleading eyes.

"Do you really want to know?" Can asked staring at Sandy's eyes.

"Yes." Sandy answered in all honesty.

Can sighed, "The truth is.."

Can paused, he blushed then scratched his head, "We didn't do it at the resort."

Sandy's eyes widened with disbelief, "Whattt?! Why?!"

"Duhhh!" Can still blushing. "I also wondered that myself, but it actually never crossed our minds to do it there Sands." He said smiling gently.

"Is it because you always make out at home? You're getting old? Is it too tiring? Do doing it behind takes a lot of work?", Sandy asked curiously.

Can laughed. "I don't think that's the case Sands, I mean we kissed, embraced and petted a few times but we didn't really go all the way but I didn't feel like anything lacked with our vacation."

"We just enjoyed our time there and both of our bodies didn't feel like doing it, so we didn't, Being with each other, I think, was enough for us."

Can started to hug himself tightly while smiling, "We embraced like this the whole day and whole night and we were happy and contented. Guess, our love is really at first sight and not touch."

Sandy looked baffled, "First sight and not first touch?! Cantaloupe are you telling me that you and Tin have always been physical? I mean, aside from being emotionally attracted at first, you... you had sex even if you were not really together yet?"

Can felt his face flushed. He couldn't answer Sandy.

"So it's true?! Oh my God! You have been sexually active for so long Can! You both! That maybe the reason why you don't do it more often now!" Sandy said scandalously.

Can started panicking then covered her mouth as if someone may hear them.

Sandy removed his hand forcefully. "I am aware that you were doing things but I did not expect that you were that active! You're not so pure as I expected Cantaloupe!" Sandy said laughing like a maniac.

"Shut up!" Can took a pillow then threw it at her. "Everything that happened between me and Tin, it wasn't as fast as you were imagining. Don't exaggerate." He said, his face and neck now red as a ripen tomato.

"So how big is Tin's?" Sandy asked trying to lead Can of the conversation.

"It's pretty bi...." Can paused with the realization that Sandy was leading him on so he can divulge information about their private sessions. "Sandy!" Can shouted out loud.

Sandy stood up then laughed non stop. "HAHHAHAHAHAHA"

Can took a pillow then buried his face.

"Now everything is out in the open Can. I just want you to be honest with me." Sandy asked.

Can took a peek at Sandy, "Why do you suddenly have a notebook?"

"I'm taking notes silly, you going on a vacation with your BIG hot boyfriend isn't an excuse for me not to write BL stories." Sandy said smizing.

"You're crazy!" Can said while shaking his head.

"and, You're still my best reference Can." Sandy said, "So when you first did it, did you bleed? They say, if you weren't prepared or if the thing is too big, you'll rip. Did that happen to you Can?" Sandy asked curiously.

"Oh my God!" Can couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

"Come on Cannnnnn!!!!!!!" Sandy is not giving up, she started jumping on the bed to pester Can to give her the answers.

"Stop it!!" Can started to pull Sandy.

"Cantaloupe!! Cantaloupe!! Cantaloupe!!" Sandy kept saying his name aloud.

"Stop calling me that!" Can said still pulling Sandy to stay still.

"I've called you that many times already! Why are you just noticing now?!" Sandy asked not staying put.

She continued then kept calling Can his full name.

Can felt giving up, "Alright! alright!"

Sandy stopped then held Can's hands, "Really?"

Can nodded, "But," can said, "I will just nod, I won't give you the details, You can ask me the questions, I'll nod for Yes and shake my head for No."

"That's just stupid." Sandy answered, "Why couldn't you just say, Yes or No then?"

Can blushed, "God, Sandy, I shouldn't even be doing this for you!"

"Okay, okay!" Sandy said pursing her lips.

"Let's start," Sandy said.

Can nodded but in his mind he was thinking that he will regret answering all of Sandy's questions about their sex life.

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