My Nemesis

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"Stay in bed."
"I'll cook breakfast."
Tin said sternly as Cantaloupe was insisting to prepare food for them.

Can was trying to rebutt.

He was so embarrassed as it is thinking how Tin stayed up all night just to tend to his needs.

Tin smiled.
"I'll take care of you."

Can was moved but hid it.
"You don't have to Tin.."
"Besides, I'm alright now.."

Tin held Can on each shoulder and pushed him gently to make him lie down again.
"I want to take care of you."
"So just lie still and I'll do the rest."

Can held his breath while thinking..
"You're so freaking near Tin.."
"You're making it so hard to breathe."

Tin grinned,
"Did you just say your thoughts out loud Cantaloupe?!"

Can's eye widened as he realized he did.

Tin chuckled gently then his expression became really serious while he was pinning Can to the bed..
"I know Can.."
"Being near you too makes it hard to breathe"
"So let's share our oxygen to live.."

"Like this..."

Can's eye widened..
In just an interval of hours..
He has been kissed by Tin many times now.

Tin's lips were warm and gentle.

Can closed his eyes..
He never responded to Tin's kiss but he accepted it whole heartedly..

He doesn't know how to respond anyways..

He gently parted his mouth so Tin can gain access.

Tin smiled and opened his eyes to look.

Tin whispered.

Can opened his eyes and their stares met..

"Just follow me.. and this.."
Tin said gently poking Can's chest.

Can's heartbeat was so loud that it was resonating outside of his chest..

Can blushed and slowly nodded..

Tin then lowered his head again.
Now capturing both of Can's cheek on each palm..

He nibbled Can's lips in a bliss.
He was gentle yet demanding..

And Can was slowly responding..
Following the rhythm of Tin's mouth and tongue..

Every corner he explores,
Every warmth and moisture..
Can was taking it all in..

He gently wrapped his trembling hands in Tin's neck.
Which made Tin smile in between their kisses..

"I feel funny Tin.."
Can said in a whisper.

Tin looked at Can..
His eyes were glistening like the midnight sky.
His lips were parted after the kiss..
Moist, swollen and inviting..

His skin was flushed..
He was so warm..
He knows Can's a little bit feverish..
But his body temperature raised a notch higher because of the moment they were having..

"We can still stop Can.."
"Just tell me.."
Tin said but his body and words were not agreeing with each other..

The attraction was fatal..
Everything was fast and uncontrollable..

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