Our Secret

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"I never get why you still have 20/20 vision even if you never stop looking at him.. Don't you get tired?"
Sandy dropped the pile of books in front of him while twitching her nose to prevent herself from sneezing.

"Damn these books.. old and rusty ei..", she added.

"Watch it.."
Can took out his hanky and used it to clean his nose then his face..

"Don't blame me for the dirt Sands."
"I ain't nothing to do with it!"
He grimaced while removing the excess dirt which flew on his school uniform.

"Well Sire!"
"If you can only stop looking outside and instead help me with the filing then we would have finish this immediately!"
"I just don't understand why you never get tired looking at Tin yet you two practically live together!"
Irritated, Sandy glared at him.

hushed Can.
"No one can know we live together alright.."
"You are the only one I've told about it.."
"Please don't go broadcasting it to the whole school."

Sandy sighed..
"Come on. Get up there.."
"If the window pane could only talk.. It would say.. "

Can interrupted her..
"Yeah yeah yeah.. I know!"
Sandy is always like this when she's upset..
but still, He loves her like a little..
NO! a big sister.. because she always acts and nags like one.

She is still the best sister (No blood relation at all) in the world and he just wished that she would stop complaining..

Sandy turned her back on him to get more books to clean when Can reached for her waist and tickled her hard!

Sandy shouted so loud that made others turned to their direction. After all.. this is a library right..
the sign says...


Sandy grabbed his hand and was supposed to get revenge for the tickles and scold him but Can pointed his fingers to the sign mounted on the wall.

"Keep Quiet"
"Read Silently and Learn"

She frowned and was about to say something again when someone spoke behind them..

"Looks like we're having fun.."
"Can I join?"

The two turned their head towards the door and there stood what Sandy would always call an Eyesore..

but for Can..

He will always be the one he adores..

It was his step brother, Tin...

His... Tin..???

"We need to go Can.."
Tin said in a serious tone,
not looking at Sandy but eyes focused on the little guy in front of him.

"I'll go ahead Sands.."
Can said smiling then followed the taller man who turned his back to walk outside after hearing him bid his goodbye to Sandy.

Sandy just looked at the two sadly and sighed while they slowly disappear from her sight.

Thirty minutes later,
Tin parked his car and they went upstairs to their unit.

Can felt the door closed behind him and he felt his back harshly hitting the wooden frame but right at this moment his attention was directed to Tin who was kissing him like there was no tomorrow..

Can moaned when the other bit his lower lip and then pushed him harder..

"I want you, Cantaloupe.."
Tin whispered as he slipped his hand down to the other's pants, slowly unzipping and removing it on the smaller man's lower body.

Can can feel Tin's hardness already so he helped him out by sliding his pants down totally removing it..

Tin then removed his own pants and,
Can stroked his hard member..

Tin groaned and prevented Can from touching him so he removed his hands from his manhood.. then whispered..

"Not so fast Can.. I'm hard already so I want to cum inside you."

He then instructed Can to turn around and face the door..

"Lift your butt.."
which the other did with no hesitation..
Tin knelt down a little and parted the other's butt using both of his hands then licked him in the middle.

Can felt no shame as he arched his butt more so Tin can gain full access..

He can feel Tin's hot tongue teasing his opening.
He knows he was preparing him..
And his body was burning in pure ecstacy.

Minutes later,
Can can feel Tin's fingers slowly making his way inside.. which made him moaned more out loud.

"This is crazy.."
Can was breathing harshly.
"I want you inside me now Tin.."

Tin heard Can..
He really loves it when Can is panting,
begging him to enter and escavate his hole.

He turned Can to face him then carried his weight using his waist..

Can automatically wrapped his legs on the taller man's waist.

Tin then stroked his manhood and slowly inserted it to Can's now wet opening..

Can could feel the friction of their bodies combining which made him asked for more..

"Go deep Tin.. deeper.. please. "
Can pleaded then locked his fingers on Tin's back..
Clawing and anchoring his nails.

Tin did as told and pushed him hard to the door making his manhood dive deep fully inside him..

Can hugged Tin tightly while he was being slammed inside and his back hitting the door non stop.

They moved to the rhythm.
"This is crazy", they both thought and yet..
they were hungry for more..

Can can feel Tin exploding inside him but he was not fully satisfied and requested the other to move them to the bed..

Still inside Can,
Tin carried him, sat, then laid himself on the queen-sized bed, Can on top..

Can took the opportunity,
sat above Tin and adjusted himself to move freely..

He grinded his buttocks, releasing pressure from his waist down.. pushed and pulled his bottom,

up and down.. up and down,

letting out a loud roar on every thrusts.

Tin's shaking hand held Can's waist and assisted him in grinding on top.. while his other hand was pleasuring Can hard member.

Both never stopped until they came at the same time..
Can dripping wet, released his cum in his lover's lower stomach..

As Tin on the other hand, released himself inside Can..
Satisfied Can now lies in the arms of the naked man that he loves..

Can tenderly looked at Tin who was sleeping soundly.. He gently stood up..
He needs to take a shower as he feels sticky inside.

He went inside the bathroom and he can feel Tin's hot liquid slipping down between his thighs..

He popped his head out of the bathroom door then took one more glance of the sleeping man..

Can smiled bitterly..
This is their secret..
a lie they cannot tell..
Him and Tin..are step brothers,
They know it's wrong..
but when they touch..
everything feels just so damn right..

My Love, My Stepbrother.Where stories live. Discover now