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Hello my loves! I'm back! I know, I know, I say that every chapter and never upload consistently! Ugh! I hate myself 😂🤦🏽‍♀️
Anyways! I'm so sorry this chapter has taken LITERAL MONTHS for me to get done. Talk about lack of motivation! 🙄
I've had the idea for this chapter written in my head but I just couldn't find the motivation to actually put it out there, so that's why I've been gone for so long!
On another note I hope you're all safe out there and doing the best you can when things are still so shitty, I know it sucks trying to be positive with Miss Rona still lingering but I really do hope you guys are coping okay 💕

Anywho, I'll stop rambling and let you read this new chapter! I hope it tides you guys over until I can be assed to write something else 🤦🏽‍♀️ (that's not me saying I'm sick of this story bc I'm not, not at all! Motivation is just missing to write it out, that's all!)!
Also the ending of this is probably crap bc I'm half asleep but anyways!
Thank you all again for the support and love, you guys are the fucking tits and I love you! 💕💕💕💕💕*

"They're back. Do you think we should just tell them now or wait until after dinner?" I heard in a hushed voice as John and I finally made it home with our haul of groceries (my arms nearly bloody falling off mind you from carrying the bags the whole way!). We'd only just closed the door behind us when I heard Brian's muffled voice from his and Rog's bedroom, the whole thing seeming a little odd to me as I raised an eyebrow.

"Did you hear that?" I quizzed John, my boyfriend looking at me strangely as if he'd missed what I was talking about. "Bri said something. You really didn't hear?" I asked again as he shrugged, shaking his head.

"I didn't hear anything Fred. Maybe it was just your imagination." He laughed lightly, making me roll my eyes as I trudged our bags towards the kitchen, still intrigued as to what was going on behind our best friends' bedroom door. "I'm just going to change Arch real quick. Are you right here?" He asked, sticking his head through the doorway as I looked up from starting to unpack.

"I'm fine lovey." I nodded with a smile. "Have fun dealing with whatever he's left for you though." I smirked, nodding again but towards Archie this time, glad John was the one changing him this time and not me!

"Gee thanks Fred." He rolled his own eyes playfully, sending me a smirk himself before leaving to pop upstairs with our little man. I laughed softly to myself, shaking my head as I got back to unpacking our groceries, making sure I hid the snacks we'd brought from Rog, the thieving sod always finding our biscuits before we could even open them!

"How was Arch's first outing in the sling then?" The blonde himself spoke up suddenly, his voice coming from behind me as I crouched into one of our bottom cupboards, quick to smuggle the biscuits under a bag of pasta before turning to him.

"Oh it went perfect lovey!" I answered his question with a smile as I grabbed more things to put away. "He slept, well, like a baby." I joked, earning an eye roll and a laugh as he sat himself at our kitchen bench. "Though John did have a moment on the way home, so we decided it would be best to keep the sling here for a while." I added, pulling an eyebrow raise from the drummer as he looked at me curiously. "He had a bit of a panic attack." I sighed, leaning against the counter top. "I knew he wasn't 100% comfortable with the idea of taking Archie out with it but I pushed it and his anxiety bubbled over before we started off home from the shop." I explained the best I could, still feeling guilty that I was the reason John broke down like he did. I shouldn't have pushed him. I should've understood how he felt and just kept the sling at home or until Arch was bigger. "I should've known better." I mumbled, shaking my head.

"Hey, I don't think you should be so hard on yourself Fred." Rog finally piped up after my rant, looking sincere. "You knew Archie would be safe with you and that you'd never take him out if you didn't feel like you could protect him." He said seriously, making a point but not really helping me feel any better.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2021 ⏰

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