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I'm so so so so fucking sorry for my lack of chapters guys 🙃 I was just finding it super hard to fit in around everything else going on in my life rn, BUT I'm back! And this chapter is a little bit longer than usual, ANNNNNND you will probably want me dead by the end 😬😂
Anyways! I wanted to thank you all again for your patience, and I hope it was worth the 100 year wait! 😂💕💕💕*

*One Week Later*
"He said WHAT?!" Freddie shouted, his mouth hanging open at Brian's latest confession. It had been a week since the taller and the blonde had ventured out shopping, which meant it had also been a week since their kiss. After explaining what was going through his mind, Roger then decided it would be best if they ignored it ever happened to begin with, taking back everything he said and did to then leave the pair in a state of awkward limbo. Brian didn't know what he was meant to do. He heard Roger's words. He heard him take some responsibility for their baby, and now it was just all stripped away again. He felt like Roger wanted to be involved in a way, but then got too scared and changed his mind. It hurt him...again. He was forever being hurt by the person he (still) loved so much and it was taking its toll on their friendship.

"He said "our baby"." Brian sighed, his heart feeling heavy as he stared down at his hands. He was only now telling Freddie and John what went down after stewing about it all week alone, needing to get how he was feeling off his chest. He didn't need to add more stress to himself, not when he had his next checkup that afternoon. "It all happened so fast. He kissed me, called the baby "ours" and then pretended like it never even happened!" He added, feeling a little lost at what he was supposed to do.

"Are you sure it was "our" Bri?" John quizzed, keeping his usual calm composure as he sat beside the older lad on his and Freddie's sofa.

"I'm positive." Brian nodded. "I'm pretty sure my mouth almost hit the bloody table after he said it." He mumbled afterwards.

"What the fuck has gotten into him?" Freddie scoffed, finding it a little strange that only NOW, 13 weeks into Brian's pregnancy, the drummer wanted to accept the baby was his.

"Your guess is as good as mine." Brian shrugged with another sigh, his brain still muddled as to what Roger had been thinking. The pair had barely spoken over the last few days, the feeling around their flat one of confusion and tension as neither decided to bring the situation back up. Brian didn't know what to do. His heart still belonged to the younger man, and he was willing to give him a shot at being there for their baby after his confession, but he didn't know where he stood now. Did Roger still want to be involved or was he just forgetting the whole thing even happened? Did he think what he said was a mistake? Brian just didn't know, and it was making everything so much more difficult to handle. "I think he regrets saying it." He threw in, sadness in his voice as he rested a hand on his stomach, thinking about how badly he wanted his baby to have both their dad's in their life.

"I'm sure he doesn't regret it Bri." John said seriously, placing his hand on his friend's shoulder soothingly. "I think this whole thing might still be a little overwhelming for Rog, that's all." He added.

"Because it's not overwhelming for Brian either?!" Freddie snapped suddenly, rolling his eyes. He was angry at Roger for making Brian upset, yet again. He knew it would be a hard thing to accept, but Roger made his decision weeks ago on what he wanted to do about the baby, and now it was all suddenly changing?! It wasn't fair to say what he did and get Brian's hope up before just shutting everything down again. It wasn't healthy for the dad-to-be, or for Freddie's godchild either. He didn't want to see anything happen to Brian or the baby because Roger had stressed him out again. The blonde needed to pull himself together before Freddie decided he was going to tear the kid apart for how he was behaving. "I'm going to go and see him. I'll give him a piece of my mind." Freddie muttered, standing up from his place sat on the coffee table in front of the sofa, his arms folded angrily.

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