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*Two Weeks Later*
"C'mon lovey! If you don't move your adorable little butt we're going to be late!" I called up the stairs to John, my hands on my hips as I waited for my love to hurry up and get a move on. We were going to his first appointment with Penny today and I couldn't wait to see our baby! It still felt so weird to think we were having a baby. I'd never thought that we would have kids, let alone John getting pregnant himself! It's been a busy two weeks, what with us all still getting used to Ivy being here and now John needing to be as close to a bathroom as possible of a morning and such. We'd also neglected to tell Rog and Bri about what was happening so that was something we needed to figure out how to do sooner rather than later.

"I'm coming! Give me five bloody seconds!" John shouted back, sounding like he was in a huff as I heard some things being tossed around either our bedroom or bathroom.

"He sounds like he's going to be happy when he comes down." Roger chuckled as he walked by, I'm assuming to the kitchen as he had Ivy in his arms.

"Oh just peachy!" I scoffed, already knowing John's been in a fowl mood the last few days. He was already over being sick (which I understood) but as much as I wished I could help him I knew there was nothing I could do to stop it and make him feel better. It was me who got him into this, I wish I could help him more than just rubbing his back and holding his hair. "I'll swap you and take the baby?" I joked, taking one of Ivy's tiny hands in my own as she stared up at me curiously, looking as beautiful as ever.

"I'll pass thanks." Rog laughed, shaking his head. "I'd rather have the screaming baby than deal with a moody John any day!" He added, talking loud enough for said bassist to hear as he stomped down the stairs finally.

"Who are you calling moody?" He almost growled, sending a glare to the blonde as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Good morning to you too." Roger snorted, only angering my boyfriend more as he harshened his look towards him.

"Is it Roger? Is it a good morning?" He grumbled, looking and sounding like he was already over the day before it had barely begun.

"Are you always this charming in the morning Deaky, or have I just caught you on a good day?" The drummer smirked, really asking for it as I waited for the snarky comment John was bound to snap back with.

"Don't try me." He muttered, sighing as his eyes flicked to Ivy. He was quickly smiling, taking her other hand in his as her little fingers wrapped around his thumb while she stared up at him. "Hello beautiful." He said happily, his mood instantly changing as kept smiling down at her.

"I'm glad he likes my baby more than he likes me." Rog chuckled, looking to me as I laughed too, almost impressed that John could change his mood so quickly.

"She's nicer than you are." John sassed without missing a beat, his eyes never leaving the baby as she kept staring back at him, her mouth almost pulling into a tiny smile as she did so.

"You better not get her first smile Deacon!" Roger snapped suddenly, a stern tone to his voice as we both looked up. "I've been working on her for weeks to get her to smile at me. I won't have you ruining it and taking it away from me." He said seriously. "As her Papa, I deserve first smile." He added, now looking down to his little one as well.

"Well Brian kind of housed her for months, surely out of anyone he would deserve her first smile?" I butted in, quickly earning myself a glare in response from the younger. "Or not?" I quizzed, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Fine, Bri or I deserve her first smile." He groaned, not liking the idea of having to share the special moment with somebody else (even if it was her other Dad). "But she should be smiling at me since I'm the one up with her most nights. Aren't I baby girl? Just you and Papa time!" He cooed, Ivy making some grunting noises as she wiggled her body around in the blanket she was wrapped in, showing she more than likely agreed with her Papa.

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