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*TA-DAAAAAA! About time little Archie John Bulsara arrived isn't it?! 😂
These parts are finally finished (for now, who knows what'll happen in the later chapters 😜) and John and Freddie are finally meeting their little one!
I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, I'm kinda on the fence about it but I'm glad Archie has made his arrival!

I just wanted a quick rant for a second (sorry, please skip if you like) because I recently read something that's annoyed me. I saw a post on IG from a Queen fan account joking about mpreg stories and a lot of the comments were people finding it horrible or disgusting. It just bugged me because yes, it's not everyone cup of tea and I completely understand that, but some people enjoy it and it just irks me when people pick on things other people enjoy 🙄
I just wanted to thank you guys I guess, for supporting me and this story and not commenting horrible things because of the plot. I'm not sure why I made this a mpreg story (my first ever fanfic, a 1D one mind you) was mpreg and I guess I just enjoy writing it 🤷🏼‍♀️
Okay that's the end of the rant 😂 sorry, it just bugged me a bunch!

Anyways, thank you for your support (and for 600 followers! Wow-wee! 😱) and I love you all! 💕

Freddie couldn't believe it, the idea of him now being a father still not quite sinking in as he sat beside John's hospital bed, his little man resting perfectly in his arms as the bassist lied still, not yet coming around from his anaesthesia. It had been almost an hour since Archie's birth and it still hadn't hit the frontman that he was his. The procedure itself was quick once Penny got in and did her job, the whole thing only lasting fifteen minutes max, the last of that more of a patching up job as Freddie bonded with his baby boy. After all the scares they'd faced over the last week or so, baby Bulsara was born perfectly healthy, no trace of his heart abnormalities at all as he was checked out not long after he was born. Freddie was instantly filled with relief when Penny told him his son was the picture of health, the singer bursting into tears (like he had the first time he heard his beautiful little cries too) just knowing he wasn't in a fight for his life anymore, that he was healthy and now wouldn't have anything holding him back.

"You need to wake up lovey, you're missing out on all the cuddles." Freddie joked quietly, just wishing John was awake to see everything for himself. The older lad focused his eyes on his love, squeezing the hand he had locked in his own as he kept Archie close to him with his other, not wanting to put him back in his crib, not when he was finally here with him. "He's so beautiful John." Freddie sighed, his gaze back on the bub as he snoozed peacefully, spending his first hour in the world contently sleeping in his Baba's arms. "He looks so much like you." He smiled, bouncing him gently as he continued to stare, not being able to get enough of his little man. "He's sure to have my killer cheek bones though, I can tell." He added playfully, John making a soft snort from beside him, catching his attention immediately as he quickly turned back to him.

"Is he now?" The younger lad smirked as his eyes fluttered open, the bright hospital lights making him squint a bit as he looked over to his boyfriend, a smile instantly forming as he saw him with their son. "You suit a baby Fred." He kept his grin, his heart exploding as Archie made a few small grunts in his sleep, the little one's mouth hanging open as he continued to nap happily, not a care in the world.

"He's already so at home here." Freddie laughed, shaking his head as he shifted the bundle so John could get a better look at their baby.

"You seem at home too love." John smiled again, giving Freddie's hand a squeeze as the frontman already looked so natural with Archie. "You look like you were born to be a Baba." He added, making the older's heart swell as he looked down, feeling tears in his eyes.

"D-Do, do you want to hold him?" Freddie asked, clearing his throat before he could fully burst into tears, his emotions still all over the place. "It's your turn for cuddles." He laughed lightly with a smile. John (instantly feeling a little nervous) nodded at the offer of finally meeting his baby, his long and tiresome journey over the last 8 months well and truly worth it now their little one had made his arrival. Freddie took his hand back from John's, gently cradling Archie close him as he maneuvered himself to be able to pass him off to his other half, the bassist sitting himself up the best he could (what with his wound still being fresh and all) before taking the bub in his arms. "Now he can meet his Daddy." Freddie smiled again, his eyes filled with more tears as he watched the love of his life holding their baby boy. They'd come so far since John found out he was pregnant, and it was just a little overwhelming for Freddie to see that now he was actually someone's parent, that he had a life in his hands. Having a baby was something he'd aways thought about but never expected to happen, that it was something that would happen to everyone else, not to him. It was scary thinking about what they'd have to face in the future but he knew they could tackle anything life threw at them as long as they were together. They could get through anything as a family.

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