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*A three parter bc why the heck not!
I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to get this done! I've had drama and work crap and ugh, I'm just happy this is done and ready for you guys!
THANK YOU 💕💕💕💕💕💕*

Roger sat patiently beside Brian, doing his best to comfort the lad as Penny and the other doctors worked their magic to save their baby. It had been a while of tugging and pulling for Brian and the older started to become a little more anxious as time went on, worried something could be wrong in there.

"I'm sure they're just working through everything they need to love." Roger soothed for what felt Ike the thousandth time as tears welled in Brian's eyes yet again. "She'll be okay." He nodded, his hand still resting on his love's head gently (the only way he really could have some contact with him).

"B-But she c-could be-" Brian started, only to be cut off by a shout from Penny.

"She's here!" She said loudly, causing both the guitarist's and blonde's hearts to skip a beat knowing their baby was here. "She's a little blue! She's going to need the lamp!" She added, a nurse cutting the umbilical chord before taking the tiny infant to an awaiting crib with a built in heat lamp to warm her up.

"She, she's not c-crying." Brian whispered, swallowing the lump in his throat as he tried to twist his head to see what was going on with his little one. "She's, s-she's not crying! R-Rog what's wrong w-with her?! Why, why isn't she c-crying?!" He panicked, his hand clenching onto Roger's tightly as he turned to watch the nurse clean off and help his daughter. The woman was trying her hardest to get the baby to breathe and cry, rubbing her back and patting her to her her blood flowing properly.

"C'mon sweetheart." She whispered herself, shaking her gently. "C'mon. Your Daddies want to meet you." She added, gasping as the newborn finally let out a loud screech, her cries filling everyone in the room with sudden relief. "There we go!" The nurse laughed, letting out a breath as she wrapped Ivy in a blanket to keep her extra warm.

"S-She's okay!" Brian sobbed, overwhelmed with relief as he listened to his little bean keep crying softly. "S-She, she's okay Rog. O-Our baby, she's, she's o-okay." He sniffled as Roger nodded, tears slipping down his cheeks too as his heart pounded hard against his chest.

"She's a little fighter." The drummer smiled widely, wiping his eyes with his free hand as Brian squeezed the other again tightly. "I'm so proud of you Bri. Fuck, I'm so proud." He sighed, leaning to press his lips to Brian's forehead softly, nothing but love radiating through him for the man in front of him and their daughter.

"How are you feeling Brian?" Penny asked as her and a few other doctors began the end of his procedure, ensuring everything was perfect to close his wound.

"I'm f-fine now!" He exclaimed, earning a chuckle out of everyone for his honest response. "C-Can, can we s-see her?" He asked, back to trying to see what was happening with his baby as the nurse from before finished her assessments.

"She should be getting to the Neonatal Un-" The woman started, Brian quickly cutting her off before she could finish her sentence.

"P-Please?! She, she's o-our baby and, and we just need to s-see her." He sniffled again, hoping Penny would step in and agree with him.

"How is she doing?" The doctor spoke up as if on cue.

"She's doing well." The nurse answered, Ivy still lying under the heat light to keep her tiny body warm before she would be placed into her incubator cot down in the baby unit. The little one needed to stay and be monitored because she was so premature, a doctor and nurse constantly making sure she was okay and not needing oxygen or warmth.

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