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*FINALLY IM BACK BITCHESSSSS (I don't mean that in a bad way, ya girl is on the Drag Race ride again 😂) BUT IM BACK! I'm so sorry it's taken literally AGES for this update but it's done and it's here and I think it's quite good so I'm hoping it's worth the wait!!
Also, we are SO CLOSE to 30K reads which is so shocking to me like HOW?! You guys are so supportive and so sweet and I know I always thank you but honestly THANK YOU bc I love this story so much and seeing so many of you say you love it too makes me all warm and fuzzy 😂🥺🥰
So anyways, I'm sorry for the late late update but I hope you enjoy! 💕
And I just want to put in something about the movement that's happening right now too bc it is so important to show support towards the black community in America right now. We love you, we're here for you and we fight with you ✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿💕 #blacklivesmatter*

*Two Weeks Later*
Today marked the day that Bri was officially twelve weeks pregnant! We were both so relieved that he'd made it this far, but we also knew things weren't set in stone yet in terms on what the future will bring. We were excited to start to celebrate some more now and to FINALLY tell Fred, Deaky and our families about our little one, though we were still being cautious and I was making sure to keep Bri as safe and calm as possible.

"Baby girl please sit still for me or we're going to be late for Daddy's appointment." I heard Bri say in a voice that told me he wasn't in the mood for games as I wandered into Ivy's room, our little terror kicking her legs around frantically as she tried to get out of his grip. She was just over ten months old now (how the bloody hell that time snuck up I don't know!) and boy was she quickly learning new things to get into even more mischief than she already could! She had finally started standing (with the help of a sofa or chair to hold on to) and I could tell she was already getting interested in the idea of walking, which scared me more than I'd like. The little devil was hard enough to keep out of trouble now, let alone with her stumbling about the place all by herself! I couldn't believe how much she'd grown up, even in the last few weeks. She seemed so small when she was confined to the ground or our arms, but seeing her standing made it all real that she was growing up and I couldn't handle her almost being one. She was my baby girl, my little princess! It just didn't seem right having her be growing so fast. I wanted her to stay my baby forever! "Ivy love, please-"

"DA!" Our daughter shouted suddenly, cutting Bri off as she pointed her chubby finger at him.

"Yes I'm Da, now can you please let me put your bloody pants on?" He chuckled, shaking his head as she continued to babble on, her legs not stopping their karate kicking for anything.

"What are you doing, you nut?" I spoke up, giving Bri a fright as he jumped a little, looking up at me as I knelt down beside him on the floor (the only place he managed to corner our hyperactive child).

"PA!" Ivy giggled, pointing her finger at me now as Bri continued to struggle to stretch her pants over her nappy covered butt, her legs still flinging around as she clapped happily to herself.

"Are you being a pain in the bum for Daddy?" I cooed, our baby's laughs only growing as I used her favourite voice, making her even more excited.

"You're not helping Rog." Bri snorted, shaking his head again as he finally managed to at least get Ivy's pants on while she was somewhat distracted by me.

"Not helping hey?" I snickered as he pulled her up, me earning an eye roll while he tried to hold back a smile, making my heart flutter seeing him so bloody adorable. "At least you're partway dressed baby." I cooed again, poking Ivy's exposed belly as she squealed cutely, my own smile growing.

"Can you try and get her top on please?" Bri nodded to his lap where he had picked out a shirt for Ivy. "We're going to be super late if little miss here won't get dressed." He added, chucking on his baby voice too as she held onto his fingers to balance herself while she stood.

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