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*Hey lovies! I'm sorry for my absence recently. A lot of personal stuff has happened/is happening and I've just taken a while longer to write than I usually would. I'm back with another Maylor filled update for you all tho and I hope you like it!
Thank you for your patience 💕*

*Two Weeks Later*
"UGHHHHHH! THIS IS BLOODY HOPELESS!" I heard suddenly being shouted from Brian's room as I made us both a morning cup of tea. My best friend was now 12 weeks pregnant, and when I tell you his mood swings were getting worse, I'm not joking. I'd never seen him so up and down the whole time we'd known each other! He wasn't even this moody during his final exams! I know mood swings were part of pregnancy and all, but Brian was taking his to the next level it would seem. One minute he was fine, the next he'd be slamming doors and screaming at me! I tried my best to just go with everything and calm him down when need be, but he was making it mighty bloody difficult to do so at the moment.

"BRI?!" I shouted back, waiting for a reply as I stirred some extra sugar into his tea to hopefully pep him up a bit. He'd been feeling a bit down again recently about how big he was getting with the baby growing like crazy over the last two weeks. He knew he'd have to get used to his body changing, but I don't think he was expecting everything to happen so quickly. "ARE YOU OKAY?!" I added when I got no response back from him.

"N-NO!" He shouted again, his voice wavering a bit as I sighed, ditching the tea so I could go and make sure he wasn't too upset. I hated seeing him crying over how he looked, it wasn't Brian. He'd never been one to focus on his body so much as he did his curls.

"Hey? What's up?" I quizzed, sticking my head inside the door to his room. I couldn't even see Brian, only finding the small space covered in what seemed to be every article of clothing the guitarist owned. My eyes widened as I took it all in. There were pants thrown over the bed, jumpers on the floor, even a t-shirt somehow hanging from the bloody ceiling fan! "What the fuck went on in here?" I asked, hesitantly taking a step in, trying my best to avoid walking on his things.

"N-None of it f-fits." I heard mumbled in reply, my eyes taking a second to find him curled up in a ball beside the bed, his head in his hands.

"Oh Bri." I sighed, my heart lurching a bit at the pain in his voice as I quickly made my way over to him. "It's okay." I said softly, shoving some things over so I could sit next to him.

"How is it okay Roger?!" He snapped, turning to look at me. "I have nothing to fucking wear!" He sighed himself, a few tears on his face as he hid back in his hands again. I had a feeling of deja vu from the last time he'd outgrown his clothes, remembering how upset he was that his jeans wouldn't fit him then. "I hate this." He muttered, his voice muffled by his hands as he moved to lean against my shoulder.

"You don't hate this and you know it." I smirked, resting my hand on his knee as I gave it a squeeze, knowing he knew I was right. Brian was so excited to have this baby, they were all he ever spoke about! After his last appointment, he stuck the ultrasound picture on the fridge, it taking pride of place under one of his spaceship magnets he'd gotten for his birthday (from me!) It was a little weird to me, walking by it all the time and knowing that baby was a part of me. It was almost like the further along Bri got, the more I wanted to be involved. I know I said I didn't want to be a parent, and part of me still doesn't want that responsibility, but I can feel myself just wanting to know about the baby. I want to feel them and hear about them. I want to see an ultrasound and be there to hear their tiny little heartbeats. I don't know why I was suddenly so interested in the idea but I could stop myself from wondering what it was all like.

"I hate t-that I'm so, so big now." Brian hiccuped as he pulled away from his hands once again. "It's all h-happening so f-fast." He sniffled, wiping a few stray tears from his cheeks with a sigh.

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