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*Sooooo I hate this chapter 🤦🏽‍♀️
It doesn't flow well to me and I think I could've done so much better but it's done and I hope it tides you guys over until the next one!
I'm sorry if it seems like I don't care about this book anymore. I really do care! I'm so excited for this story; I've just not had any motivation to get it out on metaphorical paper 😂
Thank you for sticking with it tho and I hope you guys like this chapter? Maybe? Probably not? Okay cool! 😂

"Will you get off! Bri probably isn't even in the car yet, you git!" I giggled, trying to shrug Freddie's arms off from around my waist as he held me close to him.

"I locked the door lovey. He won't be back." My boyfriend said seriously, his voice a whisper in my ear as his arms only tightened around me.

"Freeeeeeeed." I whined, trying my hardest not to give into the temptation of being with him. He always managed to get what he wanted when he did this, and I (secretly loved) hated it. "We can't. We don't have time." I sighed, spinning myself around in his arms to find him pouting at me cutely. Yet another thing I couldn't resist, his bloody pout! It's not that I didn't want to fuck, I'm a man, I have needs, we just didn't have the time for it right this second and I'm sure it could wait until we didn't need to rush.

"We have plenty of time darling." He quickly changed his frown into a smile, almost as if he knew that was my biggest weakness. I loved everything about Freddie, but it was his smile that I loved the most. He didn't love it at all, hated it rather, but I couldn't get enough of it. It was beautiful, and it was him. I loved making him smile. I loved the feeling of watching him smile wide without bothering to hide his teeth. That was special, and I was honored whenever I was the reason behind it.

"We have tea with your parents this afternoon, remember?" I smirked, knowing that would be a major boner killer for him at the minute.

"You really HAD to bring up my parents right now?" He groaned, throwing his head back in annoyance as I laughed quietly. I knew that would ruin the mood.

"I don't think Jer would be too impressed if we were late because you couldn't wait until tonight." I smirked again, poking his chest jokingly as he snapped back up to look/glare at me.

"Jer?" He said weirdly, making a face at me for calling his mother by her actual name.

"That's your mum's name, you dork." I chuckled, shaking my head as he rolled his eyes at me.

"I am aware of my mother's name John, thank you." He sassed playfully. "But I don't walk around calling her that." He added. "It's weird."

"What, do you want me to call her Mum too?" I snickered at his comment.

"She loves you more than she loves me so I'm sure she wouldn't mind." He joked, making me roll my eyes this time. I was really nervous the first time I met Fred's parents, especially his mum. He talked about her all the time and I knew they were close. I was so scared she wouldn't take too well to me, especially since I was so much younger than Freddie, but she welcomed me in from the start, taking me under her wing if you will about how to handle her "overly extravagant" son.

"Oh come off it." I argued, shoving him lightly, my own smile mimicking the beautiful one Freddie now had on too.

"She's always asking about you! "Where's John? Is John okay? Can I speak to him? I've baked him some biscuits!"." He mocked terribly, causing me to snort back a laugh at the horrible impression as he flapped his hands about. "It's always you! What about me?! I'm her flesh and blood!" He scoffed.

"She only loves me because she knows I can keep you in line." I smirked, poking his chest.

"Oh can you now?" He smirked back, a cheeky smile back on his face as he tightened his arms around me once again.

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