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*Wow, I'm really stringing y'all along with these parts aren't I? 😂 whoops! I love me a good cliffhanger and parted chapter so we're continuing with yet another part! 🎉😂 I hope you guys love this one, I think I do! It's not the end of this parted series though, I have ONE MORE (please hold me to that) part, which may be overkill but yolo 🤙🏻

I hope you all are safe and well out there too during this fucking virus drama 🤦🏽‍♀️ and I really hope y'all aren't left without supplies bc some people can't stop panic buying the entirety of the bloody supermarket shelves! 😤🤬
Just remember to follow whatever protocol is in your area and stay safe and sanitary to protect yourselves and your families! I'm sending my love to everyone 💕💕*

*Two Days Later*
Freddie jumped up with a start, his heart hammering against his chest as the shrill sound of the house phone came blaring from downstairs, the frontman instantly knowing something was wrong as he sat up quickly. It read 2:37 am on the clock beside his and John's bed and he could just feel that something was wrong with his other half back at the hospital, why else would somebody be calling in the middle of the night?! It had been two days and Archie's heart rate was still too low for John to be able to come home. Both Penny and the couple were hoping the little one would be coming around by now, but sadly things seemed to be staying the same and she wanted him to stay in for observation in case the worst happened.

"Okay, I'll just get him now." Freddie heard Brian's voice at the bottom of the stairs, fear and panic settling in as he threw himself out of bed and into a pair of sweatpants he had lying on the ground (not really being able to go to the hospital in just his boxers!). The singer could feel himself shaking as he messily tried to grab some things to take with him. Things for John, Archie's baby bag, clothes, anything he could find that could be of use. "Fred?" The guitarist's voice was now outside his door, him knocking before pushing it open to see his friend scrambling around in the dark.

"It, it's John isn't it? It's, it's John." Freddie panicked as Brian flicked the light on, the younger quickly noticing the tears slipping down Freddie's face as he shook his head. "I-Is he okay? Is, is Archie okay? Are, are they both okay?!" He ranted, still rushing about to try and grab as much as he could find to take with them, knowing Archie would need his clothes if he was going to be delivered now.

"They're okay." Brian answered with a small nod, taking a step into the room as Freddie nodded back, returning to his mission of shoving all he could into a backpack of John's, not wanting to miss anything important they may need later on. "They're going to be delivering Archie soon." He added, the older of the pair quick to snap his gaze back to his bandmate, his stomach churning as his fears were confirmed. As excited as he was to meet his son, Freddie still wanted the little one to stay in John's belly as long as possible, giving him the best chance at being okay once he was born. He didn't want to lose him to the NICU like Brian and Roger did with Ivy. "They said, they said he crashed pretty bad over the last half hour and John was going into shock." He explained, his words barely sinking in as Freddie struggled to understand. He crashed? Does that mean his heart stopped beating all together? Was he dying? And John? He was in shock? What's shock? Was he hurt? Was he conscious still? Was he okay? So many questions rolled around his head as Brian kept talking, his voice only hitting an imaginary wall between them as Freddie didn't bother to take in anything he was saying. "Are you okay Fred?" The taller asked, looking concerned as Freddie stood in front of him, not looking as though he was understanding a word as he stared off at nothing, his head focused his family and how desperate he was to not lose them. John and Archie, they were everything to Freddie. He couldn't bare the thought of something happening to either of them and it scared him more than anything that this was happening now and he wasn't there to hold his love's hand and support him through this. "Freddie?" Brian quizzed again when he didn't get a response, reaching out to place a hand on the lad's broad shoulder, instantly snapping him out of his trance as he looked up, more tears brimming his eyes.

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