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*I'm sorry to leave y'all on a cliffhanger last chapter 😂 I hope this answers some questions for you all!*

Freddie breathed heavily, his heart pounding in his chest as he raced towards Roger's market stall to grab the lad to take to the hospital. It was a whirlwind of a morning already and it was barely 9am! The frontman wasn't the best when I came to anything physical and was struggling in his boots to make it without passing out as he rounded a few more corners, dodging early morning shoppers on the way.

"Where the fuck is it?" He huffed, stopping to take a breath and catch his bearings before sprinting off again. He didn't have time to wait, his godbaby needed him to do this! After another few corners Freddie finally spotted the stall, noticing his (rather beautiful) decor from down the alley he'd turned into, quickly rushing over before Roger got busy with a customer.

"Fred? What are you doing here so early?" The blonde quizzed, looking confused as Freddie hunched over with his hands on his knees, out of breath again from all the running he'd done.

"I...I came, oh Jesus I'm bloody unfit." Freddie puffed, sucking in air as he felt his chest tighten with exhaustion. He really needed to start working out or something to get him in shape to run about after the baby. "I came to pick you up. We need to go." He sighed, still breathing deeply as he now stood to face the drummer, the younger raising an eyebrow in confusion.

"Go? Go where? And you came to pick me up? You can't drive Fred, how are you meant to pick me up?" He questioned seriously, not understanding what Freddie was on about.

"We need to go. It doesn't matter how I'm taking you, we just need to go. We need to get to the hospital. Brian needs you." Freddie said, equally as serious as Roger's eyes widened quickly, hearing that it was Brian that was in trouble sending a jolt through his heart.

"Brian?!" He shrieked. "W-Why is he in the hospital? What's happened? Is he okay? The baby? Is the baby okay? Is, is my daughter okay?!" He panicked, grabbing Freddie by the shoulders to shake him as he spoke. "What's wrong with them?!" He shouted.

"I don't know what's wrong!" Freddie shouted back, overwhelmed by everything that had gone on already that morning without adding being shouted at too. "Bri, Bri just came out to me and he was hurting so bad." He explained. "He didn't know what was happening but he needed help so, so I drove him to the hospital."

"You drove him?!" Roger shouted again, unsure if he was more concerned about Brian being in pain or of Freddie being the one to drive him to the damn hospital!

"He didn't want to wait for an ambulance and made me drive him." Freddie snapped himself. "I wasn't going to argue and make him wait now was I?" He sassed, annoyed that out of everything THAT'S what Roger was worried about!

"Is, is he there alone now?" The lad asked, starting to freak out as what was happening started sinking in. His best friend and baby could be in trouble and he wasn't there with them! "Why didn't you stay with him?! He would be freaking out and, and you've left him!" He cried loudly, waving his arms about at the singer as he did so.

"He told me to come, he wanted you Roger." Freddie said seriously. "Penny is there with him, she'll figure out what's happening." He added, knowing the doctor would do all she could to help Brian and his little bean get through this together. "We need to go now though. They were taking him through when I left." He added again.

"O-Okay." Roger nodded, quickly bustling around to pack down the things he needed to put away before taking the cash he'd made from his few early sales out of the box he kept it in. "Let me drive." He said seriously as they started their brisk walk back to where Freddie "parked" the car. The frontman had done his best but he knew he was never going to make the park perfectly on his own, the car a metre out from the bloody curb at least when he jumped out of it.

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