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*Sooooooo we just hit 5k reads! THATS INSANE! You guys are incredible! I'm so thankful and honoured and wow. I can't believe you like this little idea and I'm so grateful to you all!! Thank you 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕*

*Two Weeks Later*
"Just sign here please." The young woman behind the front desk of John's facility smiled kindly at Freddie, handing him over a clipboard with some papers attached. It was finally the day the frontman had been both excitedly waiting for, and nervously dreading; seeing John again. His first two weeks of counselling were over and now the bassist was finally allowed visitors, Freddie obviously being the first to come and see him. "Once John is ready someone will be out to lead you in." She smiled again as Freddie scribbled his signature without even bothering to read the papers in front of him. His hands were shaking as he silently nodded while handing the clipboard back. He quickly took a seat in the small waiting area off to the side, his hands wringing together in his lap as his leg bounced up and down anxiously. Freddie didn't know why he was so nervous to see John again, not understanding why he felt ill the whole taxi ride over at the mere thought of seeing his love again. He felt as though he should've been excited, not nervous! He was finally going to spend time with John again, with the younger hopefully being back to his usual self (or on his was to being), so he should be over the moon yet he couldn't shake the churning in his stomach as he waited.

"Freddie?" Another woman's voice came suddenly from a large set of doors just next to the front desk, making him look up quickly. "John's ready to see you now." She smiled, only adding to Freddie's nerves and he nodded and quickly pulled himself out of his seat. "You seem nervous." She laughed as she led him through the doors and down a long corridor. This woman was older than the first and seemed to have some kind of sense of warming to her as she helped him relax a little as she spoke.

"I uh, I've never been to a place like this before." Freddie shrugged, his eyes darting around the place as the corridor opened up into a larger room. Everything seemed so...normal, he thought. He was expecting starkness and everything to be very clinical and scary but it wasn't. It was almost just like a hotel in a way. Everything just seemed like it belonged there.

"I understand the idea of a facility like this can be a bit intimidating. People come here for many different reasons but that doesn't mean it's a bad place, not at all." The woman said seriously. "The idea can be scary because the public view it as a "crazy house", for people who are insane, and it's not. They're just regular people who need a little help sometimes and there's nothing wrong with asking for help." She rambled, really making Freddie stop and think about his own views on the place. He was one of those people. When John first told him he wanted to come here Freddie didn't like the idea. John wasn't crazy, so why would he want to be in a place full of people who are? That's where the older's thinking was and he felt bad for it now. He shouldn't have been so quick to judge people who just needed a little help, that wasn't fair to them.

"Is uh, is J-John doing okay?" Freddie asked as he kept following the woman through the now open space.

"He is." She nodded, sending a small smile back to him as she kept her pace. "I've notice him coming out of his shell a lot more since he arrived. He's made a few friends and he won't stop talking about you." She chuckled lightly, making Freddie's heart skip a beat as he felt a blush rise up his cheeks. John was still thinking of him while he was here! "He told me how excited he was for today." She added, smiling again as she pushed open a small door, holding it open for Freddie to walk through too.

"I'm excited to see him." Freddie smiled too, finally losing most of his nerves as excited butterflies filled his stomach. The pair kept walking (Freddie thinking he could almost be back at the house, that's how far they'd wandered!) the woman staying silent until they reached one last door labelled; "Ward B".

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