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I'm so sorry this has taken FOR👏🏻EV👏🏻ER for me to get this up. I've just had a shitty week and I'm finally feeling back to myself so here is the next chapter! It will be a three (maybe four) part chapter and it's going to be super exciting towards the end! The story is no where near over though, I plan on it being a kinda long one so I hope you guys are ready for it! 😜
Thank you all for your patience too! I appreciate every single one of you 💕💕*

"People keep staring." I mumbled, feeling everyone's eyes on Freddie and I as we made our way through the hospital to Penny's office. I knew why they were glued to me, I looked like I was trying to smuggle a bloody watermelon into the cinema! I was huge, but it didn't feel great having people staring at me, not when I was insecure enough about how I looked (not that I could help or change it).

"Fuck them lovey." Fred said seriously, his hand still on my back as we kept walking. "They're just jealous that they won't have a baby as adorable as ours in a few weeks time." He sassed, making me roll my eyes (even if I knew he was just trying to make me feel a little better with his comment).

"Oh I'm sure they're super jealous they don't look like a wobbling planet stumbling about the place Fred!" I snorted back a scoff, certain they were definitely not jealous, probably curious as to how a man could be pregnant more like!

"John!" He snapped quickly, always hating when I spoke down about myself and how different I looked from before I got pregnant. I knew I shouldn't be so caught up on how much my body has changed, not when I knew this was obviously going to happen, but it was hard not to when you can't even see your own feet over your giant belly! Looking different messes with your head sometimes and even if I try to not let it get to me, some days I can't help it. "You are not a planet. You are beautiful and perfect and so what if you're a little bigger than before?! You're carrying a baby! Fuck them." He ranted, making me both laugh and smile as I was grateful he wanted to help me feel better about myself, but I also knew that I was A LOT bigger than I was before, never keeping that much weight on me at all before Archie came along.

"I think a "little bigger" is an understatement Fred." I chuckled, shaking my head as FINALLY the maternity wing came into sight, the sign filling me with instant relief as I knew I could sit down soon!

"You're beautiful at any size John." Freddie said seriously, stopping us in the middle of the hall suddenly just to tell me that. "I don' shouldn't think you're not lovey." He shook his own head, taking ahold of both my hands tightly. "I love you just as much now as I did before, maybe even more if that could even be possible!" He scoffed.

"Oh Fred." I sighed, a smile making its way to my face as I felt all warm and fuzzy from his words. He still thought I was beautiful, even if I did look like a bloody beached whale! "I'm the size of a house but I'm glad you still think I'm beautiful." I laughed, watching him blush cutely as I squeezed his hands, my smile only widening at his sudden shyness. I loved when Freddie did that. He always looked so adorable when he got all shy and his cheeks went rosy. He would sometimes bite his lip and hide his teeth too (which I normally hated him hiding), and he'd just look so small and precious. I wasn't sure if it was my pregnancy hormones swirling around again but damn, I loved everything about him so much and he truly was the most amazing person.

"You'll always be beautiful to me darling." He smiled back, my turn to blush now as I felt my cheeks becoming warm.

"You're such a sap." I giggled, shaking my head again. "I love you." I sighed happily, dropping one of his hands to cup his cheek sweetly.

"And I love you." He said softly, his smile staying as I leaned in for a kiss.

"Look at you two, taking up the hall with all your love. Yuck!" Penny joked, her voice coming from behind us suddenly as we pulled away from each other to look back at her.

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