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*Hey guys! This chapter is going to be split into two, just because halfway through I realised I already had too many words and needed to write more and hey, two parts are cool! 😂
I hope you enjoy! 💕*

*One Month Later*
I was officially 10 weeks pregnant today! I couldn't believe that it had been over a month since I found out. It was scary how quickly time was flying already, and I knew it would only go quicker from now. I was trying not to panic as I made a list of important things I needed to buy and prepare for, but the idea of there soon being a baby I had to care for was making me more than a little nervous.

"I'm heading to my appointment. I'll be back whenever." I shrugged as I walked past Roger who was fiddling around in the kitchen. I had an appointment with my new specialist doctor today and it was only adding to my already growing nerves. I've not met her before, but Dr Young said she was lovely and knew exactly how to help me through my pregnancy, so I was keen to see what she was like. Rog and I had eventually talked about our fight and I decided to just let it go. I didn't needed the added stress of keeping up the argument and if he didn't want to be involved with his child's development, I couldn't make him. He was still super supportive and caring towards me though, he just didn't want to take responsibility for what was happening, which made me a little pissed off if I was being honest, but it wasn't worth me bitching about any longer. I couldn't force him to be a parent (as much as I wished I bloody could!) and I had to get used to doing all of this alone.

"Is there anything in particular you'd like for lunch?" He asked as I reached for my coat. My eyes widened as I spun around to look at him. HE was making lunch?!

"Since when do you know how to cook?" I smirked, watching him roll his eyes as he leant his elbows on the countertop.

"I was talking about a takeaway." He chuckled, making my eyes roll now. "Anything you'd like me to grab?" He quizzed. I wasn't sure why, but it shocked me a little that he bothered to ask what I'd like. Usually I'd be the one asking him, since I did majority of our cooking (unless it was pot noodles or something Rog wouldn't burn).

"No." I shrugged again, pulling on my coat. "Whatever you'd like is fine." I added.

"Nothing you're craving?" He asked again, his question again taking me by surprise. Why was he being so nice? He's wanting to cater to my every need but abandoned me to raise his damn child alone?! "I can stop at the store too?" He suggested, making me raise an eyebrow at him. "What?" He questioned. "I'm just being nice."

"Since when?" I asked back. "You HATE going to the store, and I'd be surprised if you even remembered anything I tell you I liked." I scoffed.

"Hey! I remember things!" He snapped, his hands now on his hips. "I won't bother then if you're not going to be grateful." He scoffed back, earning another eye roll from me.

"Ice cream would be lovely." I smiled playfully.

"Any particular flavour? I don't really want you yelling at me again because I got you the "wrong" one." He sassed jokingly.

"That was one time! And you know I don't like strawberry!" I argued as he laughed at me.

"I didn't know you were so high maintenance Bri." He smirked, causing me to flip him off as I tried to button my coat over my now slightly bigger bump. It had become more noticeable now, but I think that's because my diet at the moment mainly consisted of ice cream and sweets as well as those yet to be burned off cream biscuits from months ago. I really needed to start eating how I used to and stop giving in to temptation every time I passed a corner store!

"Leave me alone." I grumbled, finally managing to close the last button before shoving my hands into my pockets.

"You won't be able to do that soon." Rog pointed out, adding to the insecurity I was already starting to feel about my expanding weight. I still had some of the feelings about how I looked from when I first found out I was pregnant, but they only seemed to increase the more time went on. I knew I should get over it, I couldn't stop what was happening, but I failed to fight the voices telling me I was horrible sometimes. It was just something I needed to deal with myself.

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