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*One Month Later*
"Don't be silly lovey, everything will be fine!" Freddie encouraged, his hand quickly slipping into John's as the younger looked back at him nervously. The pair were planning on telling Deaky's parents about them being together soon and John was more than a little nervous about the whole thing. I'd found out that the brunette was Freddie's mystery lover on accident, walking in to find them sucking face one day before one of our recording sessions. They were both beet red after I cleared my throat, scaring them out of each other's arms with poor Freddie almost ending up on the floor! I don't know why I didn't pick that it was John sooner, what with our frontman being fascinated by the bassist from the moment we met him that first day. They were cute together, I will admit. They kind of worked as one almost, both of them having similar personalities, with Freddie being that little bit extra from time to time to add some flare to their relationship. He was so proud when they'd both finally returned to normal, grabbing John's hand in his own as he smiled widely, happy that somebody finally knew. It was nice to see someone in our group so smiley, what with Rog still being salty about being dumped. They'd made me promise not to tell him that they were a thing, Freddie wanting to break the news himself once they'd both told their parents. It was hard keeping such a secret from my best friend, but Deaks was almost in tears as he pleaded with me not to blab! I couldn't have him being hurt him too.

"You can't say that Fred. You, you don't know them." John argued, his eyes wide and frantic as he began to breathe quickly, almost as if he was panicking.

"It'll be okay Deaks. I'm sure they'll be more than happy for you." I added in, hoping to try and calm him down a little. I think my comment only added to his fear though, the poor kid looking like he was about to vomit all over the floor in front of him.

"T-They won't b-be." He stuttered, shaking his head as Freddie pulled him into his arms. "They w-won't-"

"Ssh my darling. It'll be okay." He soothed, holding John close to him as he rubbed his back, looking like he'd handled a similar situation to this with the younger before. "I'll be there with you, hmm. You won't be alone." He said softly, speaking quietly as John only buried himself further into his chest. I sent Freddie a look, silently asking what was wrong with the lad, only to receive a head shake back, which I guessed was a "don't ask" response. I'd never seen John so worked up before. I'd honestly barely got a word out of him the whole time we'd known each other! It was nice though in a way, seeing Freddie comfort John the way he was. It showed how much he really did care for him, even if they'd only been together for a short while.

"I'm s-sorry." I heard Deaky whisper, his voice barely audible above his strong breathing. "I, I'm sorry."

"Hey, hey, no. Don't be sorry. You don't need to be sorry at all." Freddie hushed, his own tone still soft and gentle as he kept his arms around John's much smaller looking frame. "You're okay." He said sweetly, his lips pressed to the top of his head, almost as if he was trying to keep him safe. I smiled a little as I watched on, happy that they both seemed so connected.

"I, I need to get this under control." John breathed out, his arms still tightly wrapped around Freddie as he struggled to calm himself down.

"There's plenty of time for that deary. Don't worry yourself." Freddie soothed yet again, moving one hand to cup John's cheek lovingly. The younger nodded, a small smile on his face as Freddie sent one back, them both looking more than in love already.

"You two are adorable." I smiled again, watching them both blush like mad at my words.

"Thank you." John grinned, biting his lip cutely as Freddie kept his smile too, his eyes glued to his love's beaming face. "Oh uh," The bassist said suddenly, snapping out of his daze to give me a serious look. "are you okay?" He quizzed, making me raise an eyebrow and Freddie turn his attention to me.

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