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*The ending is a bit how-ya-goin, but other than that I quite like this chapter!
I promise the situation with John and his Mum will be resolved eventually too! I don't want things to get too repetitive!
Also, we hit 15k guysss! You're all amazing and I fucking love you 💕💕💕*

*That Same Day*
"I want ice cream." John sighed from his spot buried into Freddie's side as the couple lazed the afternoon away on the sofa together. There was some crappy TV program on in the background, neither of them actually watching it as they both struggled to keep their eyes open, the stress of preparing for a baby taking more out of them both than they realised it would.

"It's in the freezer love." Freddie mumbled, his eyes closed as he kept one hand around his partner as the other waved in the direction of the kitchen.

"But it's not what I want." John pouted, quick to note that the ice cream they HAD was choc chip and the ice cream he was CRAVING was chocolate.

"What do you mean it's not what you want? It's ice cream." The frontman quizzed, keeping his spot as he was too exhausted to actually move to face him.

"But it's not chocolate ice cream." The younger replied, still keeping his pout as his need for the sweet treat only grew. John's cravings were needy, which in turn made him needy whenever there was something he truly had to have. Freddie wasn't sure which of them their baby got his persistence from but he sure knew he was going to be over it by the time he was born! The bassist would often wake his boyfriend in the middle of the night craving something they conveniently never had in the house, not letting Freddie sleep until he stumbled to the closest store that was opened to buy whatever it bloody was his love had requested.

"I'm not going for chocolate ice cream John." Freddie said seriously, knowing exactly where the conversation was heading as he'd been down that road FAR too many times over the last nine months.


"We have ice cream here John. Perfectly good ice cream to be exact." He sighed, shuffling to sit up now that he was more awake than he was asleep.

"But I reaaaaaaaaally want chocolate." John pouted yet again, knowing he (usually) always got what he wanted when he pouted at Freddie.

"And I reaaaaaaaaally don't want to go and buy chocolate ice cream when we have ice cream here lovey." Freddie sassed, earning an eye roll as John rested a hand on his belly.

"Archie wants chocolate ice cream though." He mumbled, Freddie knowing exactly what John was trying to do as he sighed, shaking his head. He knew Freddie couldn't say no when he mentioned the baby, the singer's soft spot (besides John himself) being their little one. "Pleaaaaaaase Fred?" He pouted one more time, fluttering his eyelashes up at him as if it would help plead his case some more.

"I'm starting to see where this baby is getting his bloody persistence from!" Freddie muttered, knowing he wasn't going to get out of going down to the shop for exactly what John wanted. He knew he couldn't say no, especially when he's just carried and grew a human for more than half a year! Freddie knew he had to do his part and support his other half, even if that meant buying more ice cream when they had some sitting at home. "Is there anything else you'd like while I'm out?" He asked, hauling himself off the sofa.

"I, I don't want you to go if you don't want to." John spoke up, suddenly feeling bad for making Freddie leave the house when he clearly didn't want to.

"It's okay lovey. You want ice cream, I'll get you ice cream." The older lad smiled.

"But you don't want to go." John sighed sadly, his pout returning as Freddie himself felt guilty for making such a fuss.

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