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*One Week Later*
John was struggling. It had been a week since the run in with his Mum and I knew the news about his Dad's death was hitting him hard. I tried to talk to him about it once we arrived home but he wouldn't even let me mention it, let alone tell me how he was bloody feeling! He'd spent most of his time in bed, deciding that he was "too pregnant" to do anything but lie down and wallow which wasn't going to do him any good. I hated that he wouldn't just talk to me. I knew he was shook up but bottling up his feelings would only make him feel worse, not better.

"She's not even nine months old yet Rog. I don't think we need to planning Ivy's birthday party just yet, do you?" Brian chuckled as he and the drummer argued over their daughter's birthday celebrations, the three of us sitting at the table with an afternoon cup of tea. Bri had a point, Ivy not being one for another three or more months, but Roger insisted that they need to have everything organised to perfection if they were to throw the best party possible!

"There's no harm in planning early Bri." The blonde said, being surprisingly serious as he sipped his tea. "That way we can have everything ready and we only have to set up the day of." He added, making Brian roll his eyes.

"How overboard do you plan on going lovey?" I laughed, shaking my head as I already knew he was planning something big for his little girl.

"She deserves the world Freddie and I would think as her godfather you would support me in this." He sassed, folding his arms on the table as I snorted back another laugh. He was taking this VERY seriously indeed and much as I agreed that Ivy does deserve the whole world, I think he should be waiting a little longer before shelling out for her special day.

"Don't try and rope Fred into this. You know he can't say no to anything." Brian argued, rolling his eyes as I gasped.

"Oi! Rude!" I snapped back, watching him hold back a laugh as he shrugged smugly from his place at the head of the table.

"Did I lie?" He joked, making me flip him off as he chuckled proudly for his dig at me, the cheeky git. "The point I was trying to make was that we have months to prepare," He added, now back to our previous conversation. "and Ivy is only going to be one Rog. I don't think we need to go too overboard for something she won't even remember."

"Hey, she could remember!" Roger argued this time, clearly not understanding that babies never remember their first few years of life. I'm sure he can't look back at his first birthday and remember everything he did!


"She could be a genius and have an amazing brain and remember everything!" The blonde cut off his other half, making me roll my eyes this time as I laughed yet again. He really did have his head in the clouds most of the time our dear Roger, bloody hell. "What?!" He snapped at me. "She could be!"

"She still tries to stick her bloody feet in her mouth when she knows they won't reach." Brian snorted. "Somehow, I don't think she's a genius love." He laughed, making the younger lad grumble something under his breath before downing the rest of his tea and pushing himself up from his seat.

"Someone's in a mood now." I commented with a smirk, Rog grunting as he took his cup to the sink. "I think it's sweet you want to plan everything out lovey, but Bri does have a point. She's not going to remember anything so I don't think you need to panic about it." I added, him still keeping his scowl and mood as he left the room, not bothering to say anything else. "What's his problem? Lord." I sighed, finishing my own tea as Brian just shrugged, not seeming to understand why his boyfriend was being grump either.

"I don't see why he's so into planning this party." He sighed himself. "It's not going to take a lot to organise a first birthday. She can barely eat solid foods!" He exclaimed.

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