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*I'm here to apologise for taking TO BLOODY LONG to update again! I keep saying I'll be better but of course I'm not 🤦🏽‍♀️ I hate myself.
I hope you guys like this chapter though! It's kinda giving a glance more into Deaky and how his family life affected him, so I'm switching it up a little!
Thank you again for being so supportive and patient! I love you all! 💕💕*

*One Month Later*
"I don't know Rog." Brian muttered, shaking his head as he sat against the headboard of his hospital bed. It had been a month since his accident and the guitarist was showing great signs of improvement so far, being able to speak and move his whole upper body already! Brian himself was still a bit down about not being able to move his legs yet, but his condition was improving everyday and Roger was always there to make him feel just a bit better when needed. "If I can't move my legs in another week they're going to send me home in a wheelchair!" The taller lad exclaimed, dread in the pit of his stomach at the idea of never being able to walk again. He couldn't be in a wheelchair. He couldn't not be able to move half his bloody body! "I can't, I can't be in a wheelchair." He sighed, looking up at his best friend with tears glazing his eyes. Roger sighed too, squeezing Brian's hand tightly as he sat on a chair beside him. The drummer's heart ached hearing the pain in Brian's voice. He too was worried about whether or not he'd get full movement of his body back, but he'd always hid his concerns with a smile, showing him that he'd be nothing but fine when it came time for him to go home. The hospital needed Brian's bed and as bluntly as it sounds, they were literally kicking him out in a week. He'd been having a few tingles in his legs but nothing he would call amazing so it scared him to think he'd be stuck needing a wheelchair. His and Roger's flat was on the second floor of their building. He can't walk up the stairs to the second floor! How was he going to go home?! "I can't not be able to w-walk for the rest of my l-life." Brian sniffled, clenching his eyes shut tightly as he pictured how his future could go. How could he keep up with a baby if he was in a wheelchair? He was almost halfway through his pregnancy and was running out of time to get better before the baby came. He didn't want to be stuck and not to able to take care of them. He couldn't leave it all to Roger.

"You're going to walk Bri, you are." Roger reassured, keeping his tight grip on Brian's hand. "It might take longer than you'd like but that doesn't mean it won't happen." He said seriously.

"I can't b-be in a wheelchair when the baby comes R-Roger. I can't not take care of them, of, of our little bean." Brian cried, taking his hand back to hide his face. He hated that he was so all over the place, with both his emotions and his life. He wanted to be stable for the baby. He wanted to have everything sorted and now he's got nothing. He's got no clothes, no cot, nowhere to even take them home to at his rate! He knew he was worrying a bit early but he wanted everything done and in place for when they arrived. He didn't want the added stress of having to rush around and make room for them. He wanted it ready.

"She's getting to be a not so little bean now." Roger chuckled, trying to lighten the mood and make a joke about Brian's expanding belly. He wasn't wrong. He taller had "popped" (one might say) over the last month and now needed the backup clothes he and the blonde had brought when they went shopping.

"She's going to be huge." Brian scoffed, wiping his eyes with a laugh too as he glanced down at his stomach. The two had found out two weeks after Brian's accident that the baby was a girl. He'd needed weekly ultrasounds to ensure everything was still tracking well and the little one was finally big enough for them to know the sex. Roger was in awe the first time he saw his daughter, his whole heart feeling like it swelled double as Penny explained what was knew with her and what Brian should expect next. He couldn't help but cry when he heard her heartbeat too, it really helping to sink in that he was going to be a father.

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