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*OH WHATS THIS?! It hasn't taken me a week to write another chapter?! 😱🎉😂
I actually wrote majority of this just after posting the last chapter funnily enough! I'm so happy I'm getting back into writing again and I actually really like this chapter!
There is a TRIGGER WARNING though, a small one, for the word "F**" (I think we all know the word). I didn't put a warning in the last chapter I used the word in and I'm sorry if I offended anybody. I'll put warnings from now on ☺️
I hope you guys like this chapter as much as I do and thank you again for all your support! 💕💕*

"His bloody pressure is low!" I heard someone shout loudly from beside me as what I'm assuming was a blood pressure cuff was ripped from my arm. I groaned, the noise of whoever's voice it was sending a spike of pain shooting through my head as I squeezed my eyes shut tightly. What the hell even happened to me? Why was my head throbbing?

"He's awake!" Came another shout, the sound once again drilling into my skull causing me to wince and let out another groan.

"Brian?" Another voice called my name from my right. "Brian, can you hear me?" They asked, expecting some sort of reply as I struggled to even understand where I was. "Brian, it's Dr Young. Can you hear me?" They repeated, only making me more confused as I fought against every part of me that was keeping my eyes closed. I felt so heavy. My eyelids felt heavy, my body felt heavy. Everything felt like it was weighted down with 100 extra pounds! I couldn't understand why I was in so much pain. Why did I feel like I'd been hit by a fucking bus?! "Brian? I know it must be hard but can you open your eyes for me?" The doctor quizzed, challenging my already racing mind as I tried my best to blink my eyes open. The harder I tried the more my head pounded, the strain becoming too much for me to bear as I managed to shake my head slightly, showing I wasn't able to do it. I felt like my head might explode if I kept up the pressure I was putting on myself and it was quickly scaring me how much pain I was actually in. "That's okay Brian." The doctor said softly, his voice still coming from my right as I heard a machine beep from my left. Where was I? The hospital? Am I okay? Is the baby okay? The baby HAS to be okay. They have to be! I can't, I can't lose them! I could feel my heartbeat quicken as I started to stress, the machine struggling to keep up its beeps to match the rhythm. I couldn't lose them. I couldn't come all this way only to then suddenly have them ripped away from me! I couldn't live with that. "Brian? Brian, you need to calm down okay. Can you do that for me?" Dr Young said quickly, his voice sounding a little panicked as a few more voices came from the back of the room. I couldn't calm down. I couldn't stop thinking the worst until I knew my baby was alright. I wanted to move. I wanted to move my hand to feel them but I couldn't. My whole body was still so heavy that I couldn't move an inch. I was freaking out. I didn't know what was happening to me! Why wasn't I moving? Why couldn't I speak?! I don't even remember how I ended up here!

"His heart rate is rapidly increasing! We need to calm him down, now!" Another voice entered suddenly, shouting over the beeping of the machine as I felt hands grabbing at my wrist which only added to my panic. Calm me down?! They wanted to calm me down?! I didn't know what was happening to me, what had happened to me, or whether or not my baby was okay and yet they wanted me to fucking calm down?!

"Brian? Brian can you take some deep breaths please? Just breathe and focus on calming yourself down." I heard another person instruct, their sort of calming tone coming from right beside me as I felt a hand rest gently on my shoulder. "It's just me Brian, Penny." Dr Burns said soothingly, instantly settling me down a little as I knew she was someone I could trust fully with whatever was happening to me and my little bean. "You're doing really really well sweetheart, okay. I just need you to stay nice and calm." She explained, squeezing my shoulder reassuringly. I never moved but I nodded along with her in my head, sucking in a large gulp of air as I tried my hardest to think of anything but what I was going through right now. I was meant to be at my appointment. I was meant to be seeing my baby, hearing their heartbeats and counting their tiny fingers and toes. I might've even known the sex if they'd grown big enough. I wanted so badly to know they were okay, to know that whatever happened to me hasn't taken them away from me. I've tried so hard to look after them, to protect them and if they're gone I don't know how I'd ever forgive myself. I could feel tears brimming behind my eyelids as I kept breathing, just wanting to be able to know some answers to my questions. "That's good Brian." Penny spoke up again, scaring me a little as I didn't know she was still next to me. The beeping of the machine had slowed down now, indicating to me that I was calming down too as the energy in the room felt less frantic. I wanted to be able to ask her if the baby was okay but I couldn't speak. It was like my brain couldn't connect to my mouth to be able to get the words out and it was beginning to make me nervous the longer it went on. I couldn't do anything. I couldn't move, or speak. All I could feel was pain. What happened to me to get me here? What happened to cause all of this? Did I have a car accident? Did I crash on my way here? What did I do?!

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