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I'm sorry this chapter has taken me so long to get up. I've had the idea for it planned, but it's taken me longer than I'd hoped to actually have it written the way I wanted it to be 🤦🏽‍♀️
But it's here now, and I hope you guys like it!! 💕*

*One Month Later*
"What do you mean we're d-done?" Roger asked, his voice wavering a little as he took in the words that had just fell from Freddie's mouth.

"I can't, I can't keep doing this with you Rog." The frontman sighed, shaking his head as he avoided his friend's gaze. Freddie had stopped their almost weekly sex session that night before Roger could even unbutton his jeans, telling the blonde that they couldn't keep sleeping around anymore. Roger felt his heartbeat speed up as the reality of the situation sunk in; he was losing Freddie. The blonde began to internally panic, not being able to fathom losing someone who meant so much to him. When the pair first started sleeping together, they'd made a pact that no feelings were to be involved in any way between them, keeping it on a strictly "friend's with benefits" level so that things didn't turn awkward. The older man didn't want to lose his friend over something going wrong, and decided that a "no strings attached" approach would work best for their situation. Roger agreed, sharing the same thought that he too didn't want to lose Freddie over unreciprocated feelings, so neither man went in looking for anything but sex with the other. The agreement worked great at first, the pair often spending more than a few nights passionate together during the week, but things soon began to change after the band took off. Their first gig was a raging success, creating a huge buzz around the bizarrely named Queen, and their eccentric frontman, Freddie Mercury. Freddie had decided that he too needed a name change, opting to drop his ethnic surname, Bulsara, for something equally outrageous as his band's name, Mercury. After the amount of interest the first gig held for the band, it wasn't a surprise then they received offers of more, both in the London area and further up North. The more shows they played together, the more Freddie seemed to flourish on stage, bringing out his inner showman as he paraded around in ridiculous costumes, the crowd loving the black satin pants off of him. As his stage demeanor excelled, Roger found himself in quite the predicament as he sat at the back behind the singer, watching his every move, almost in awe of him. The blonde tried his hardest to push away any type of feelings he conjured up towards his friend, telling himself that they were simply fucking and that was it, but his heart wasn't going to let him forget as easily as he'd hoped. Roger loved Freddie. Yes they'd only been sleeping together for a bit over a month, but they'd known each other a lot longer, and the younger couldn't help but feel as though they'd be perfect together.

"W-Why?" The drummer quizzed, trying hard to hide the tears that were now glazing his eyes, not wanting to show how affected he was by them ending their agreement. "Am, am I not good enough anymore?" He added, feeling the lump in his throat as he swallowed hard. Why now was Freddie suddenly ending them? Had he done something? Was he getting bored of him?

"No, no, Rog! Never! You're more than good enough lovey." Freddie rambled quickly, not wanting the man to ever feel like he was to blame. "I just, I can't anymore." He sighed again, feeling horrible as he saw the sadness seep into Roger's eyes. He knew his friend felt something for him, him not quite keeping it as close to his chest as he thought he had as Freddie found out pretty quickly into them being together that Roger had let his feelings get the better of him. He knew breaking things off would hurt the younger lad, and he'd tried to do it the easiest way he could, but he could tell Roger was struggling the longer time went on.

"Are you bored with me?" He asked quietly, his eyes watching down at his fiddling hands as he sat on the end of his bed, his heart feeling heavy in his chest.

"I could never be bored with you darling." Freddie smiled softly, leaving his spot against the blonde's desk to make his way over to him.

"Then why?" Roger almost whispered, his watery eyes now staring into Freddie's soft gaze as he lifted his chin with his thumb, the older feeling like he'd well and truly broken the lad's heart.

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